You are required to park in your assigned parking space., We are not required to pay for electricity because it is included in the rent., We are supposed to turn off lights when we are not using them., My neighbor is supposed to keep his bike inside his apartment, not in the hallway., Students are not supposed to talk on the phone during class., The TSA agent is required to check your ID and boarding pass., Visitors are permitted to park in the parking lot., Residents are not allowed to make copies of apartment keys., We are allowed to use the community room for parties, meetings and gatherings., Students are not permitted to park in the Staff parking lot., My neighbor is allowed to install cable TV in her apartment., Are we required to pay for all of the utilities?, Are they allowed to have 2 parking spaces/, Am I permitted to put up new curtains?, Is she supposed to take a test after 40 hours of class?,

Required to, Supposed to, Allowed to, Permitted to


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