step # 1 - Raising the hands saying Allaahu Akbar, step # 2 - Placing the right hand over the left on the chest, step # 3 - Saying the opening Du'aa quietly, step # 4 - Seeking refuge in Allah from shaytan, step # 5 - Reciting surat alfatiha and a short surah after it, step # 6 - Going into Rukoo, Step # 7 - Coming back up again, step # 8 - Going into sujood, step # 9 - Sitting up, step # 10 - Doing sujood again, step # 11 - Reciting tashahud an salah ibraheemia, Step # 12 - finally making tasleem to the right then to the left,

G1 U8 L2 Performing Salah


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