1) one who writes a book a) awthor b) outher c) author 2) past tense of teach a) tought b) teached c) taught d) tawt 3) mother & ___________ a) dotter b) daughter c) dawter d) dughter 4) past tense of catch a) caught b) catched c) cought d) cawt 5) clapping a) applause b) applawse c) applouse 6) past tense of buy a) bawt b) baught c) bought 7) past tense of fight a) fought b) fawt c) faught d) fighted 8) past tense of think a) thinked b) thought c) thaught d) through 9) clothes to wash a) lawndry b) laundry c) loundry 10) one who goes to space a) astronot b) astronaut c) astronaught d) astronawt


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