Commodore Matthew Perry sailed to Japan and forced them to open up to trade., Japan begins modernizing and realizes they need natural resources to continue to do so. , Japan invades countries around East and South Asia to gain natural resources. They were building an empire., The U.S. put sanctions on Japan, including an embargo on oil. This angered Japan., Japan carries out an surprise attack on a naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. , The U.S. declares war on Japan. , The U.S. and Japan battle on islands in the Pacific. The U.S. moves closer to mainland Japan. , The U.S. drops two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. , Japan surrenders on the U.S.S. Missouri and WWII is over. , Douglas MacArthur is appointed to oversee the occupation of Japan, where he will work to rebuild the country. , Japan begins ruling itself and the U.S. leaves Japan. .

Japan Timeline Practice


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