1) What equipment do we need to make a circuit that lights up a bulb? Select all. a) A battery b) 2 wires c) A buzzer d) A bulb e) 3 batteries 2) What is a circuit? a) Wires connecting all things. b) A bulb that is lit up. c) A route through which electricity flows. 3) If a circuit works, it is called a... a) working circuit b) complete circuit c) incomplete circuit d) good circuit 4) If a circuit doesn't work, it is called an... a) incomplete circuit b) complete circuit c) closed circuit d) broken circuit 5) Will this circuit work? a) Yes b) No  6) I make a circuit using a buzzer, 3 wires and a battery holder. Will my buzzer buzz? a) Yes b) No 7) Will this circuit work?  a) Yes b) No

Electricity Quiz


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