1) Magnet that is caused by flowing electricity through iron a) Magnet b) Conductor c) Electromagnet d) Insulator 2) A pathway that prevents electric current from flowing freely or that stops the flow a) Conductor b) Open Circuit c) Complete circuit d) Closed Circuit 3) A material that allows heat or an electric current to flow through easily a) Insulator b) Incomplete Circuit c) Conductor d) Short Circuit 4) Energy resulting from the flow of electrons through a conductor a) Thermal energy b) Electrical energy c) Sound Energy d) Mechanical energy 5) A material through which heat or electricity does not easily flow a) Conductor b) Insulator c) Agitator d) Alligator 6) The pathway through which electricity flows a) Insulator b) Electrical energy c) current d) circuit 7) A circuit that allows an electric current to flow freely a) closed circuit b) open circuit c) incomplete circuit d) short circuit 8) A circuit that has only one path in which its current can flow a) open circuit b) series circuit c) short circuit d) parallel circuit 9) An electrical circuit that has multiple pathways for an electrical current to flow a) series circuit b) parallel circuit c) short circuit d) incomplete circuit 10) What type of circuit is this? a) series circuit b) incomplete circuit c) parallel circuit d) square circuit 11) What type of circuit is this? a) series circuit b) incomplete circuit c) parallel circuit d) square circuit 12) What would you need to do to this parallel circuit to make it light up? a) open the switch b) remove the battery c) close the switch d) add an insulator

Electricty & circuits


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