1) Money charged in exchange of services a) tax b) convention c) dictator d) rights 2) a formal meeting is called a a) dicatator b) convention c) tax d) empresario 3) a ruler that who does not answer to the people a) empresario b) president c) dictator d) viceroy 4) Mexico elected ______ as their president. a) Stephen F Austin b) Lorenzo De Zavala c) Moses Austin d) Santa Anna 5) I know Santa Anna did not agree with Stephen F Austin because he ___ a) made him his partner b) killed him c) sent him to prison d) made him leave Texas 6) What did the Texans call their slaves? a) friends b) servants c) indentured servants d) workers 7) What religion did they have to practice in Texas? a) Protestants b) Roman Catholic 8) What message was on the white flag at Gonzales? a) "Come and Take It" b) "I Surrender" c) "I Come in Peace" d) "Viva Mexico" 9) Where did the first battle of the Revolution of Texas take place? a) Gonzales b) Goliad c) Victoria 10) Who was the Mexican General? a) Santa Anna b) Martin Perfecto de Cos c) Stephen F Austin

Texas Revolution


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