1) _________ more, visit our website. a) detect b) discover c) to find out d) invent 2) Alexander Graham Bell _______ the telephone in 1876. a) detected b) discovered c) found out d) invented 3) The planet Pluto was _______ in 1930. a) discovered b) invented c) detected d) found out 4) Many forms of cancer can be cured if _________ early. a) found out b) detected c) invented d) discovered 5) Venice is a wonderful city to ________. a) explore b) investigate c) look for d) look up 6) I heard a noise and went downstairs to _________. a) explore b) investigate c) research d) look for 7) I’m ________ for Steve – have you seen him? a) researching b) exploring c) investigating d) looking 8) _________ the word up in your dictionary. a) research b) investigate c) look d) explore 9) He’s been _______ material for a documentary. a) researching b) looking c) exploring d) investigating 10) All ________ to control inflation have failed. a) efforts b) trials c) experiments d) attempts 11) Please make a (an) ________ to be polite. a) effort b) attempt c) experiment d) trial 12) The ______ is due to start next week. a) effort b) trial c) experiment d) attempt 13) The Institute plans to conduct no further _________ on monkeys. a) efforts b) experiments c) trials d) attempts

Use of English B2 Ex.BCD p.21


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