workers - It’s an unusual company because all the _____ are partners in the business // The company has training for the _____, war - My grandfather fought in the First World _____ // Nobody wants to start another _____, unusual - It’s very _____ to see him in church // She is wearing an _____ coat, try on - You can _____ the jeans in the changing room // She spent half an hour to _____ different dresses, shelf - The batteries are on the bottom _____ // I need more _____ for my books, profit - The company made a _____ of £12 million last year // _____ went up again last year, main - This is the _____ entrance of shopping mall Kyiv // What are the _____ tasks of your job?, half - Cut the cake in _____ // Let’s meet at _____ past seven, go out - We sometimes _____ through the back door // You can _____ of the side entrance, foreign - She’s studying _____ languages at university // We’ve got _____students in my class, basement - We store a lot of stuff in our _____ // when there is an air raid alert, we often go to the _____, space - We don’t have enough _____ for two cars in the garage // Is there _____ for another fridge in the kitchen?, opportunity - It’s a great _____ for you // I got the _____to go to Japan, customer - It’s the shop assistant’s job to help _____ // Mrs Wilson is one of our regular _____s., steal - He _____ some jeans from the shop // Someone tried to _____ my bike, improve - I really want to _____ my flat // How can I _____ my English?,

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