1) ăn a) to eat b) to cook c) to drink 2) Uống a) to drink b) to eat 3) Đi a) to go b) to run 4) thích a) to like b) to want 5) muốn a) to want b) to like 6) làm - làm việc a) to work b) to play 7) có a) to have b) to like c) to want 8) Nghe a) to listen b) to talk 9) biết a) to know b) to think 10) gặp a) to meet, to see b) to think about 11) tới/ đến a) to watch b) to come 12) thấy a) to see/ to feel/ to think ( my opinion) b) to look at 13) làm a) to play b) to work 14) đi du lịch a) to go b) to travel 15) nghĩ a) to talk b) to think 16) về a) to come back/ return b) to offer 17) chơi a) to play b) to go 18) coi/xem a) to watch b) to give 19) nhìn/ nhìn thấy a) to look /to see b) to watch 20) mua a) to give b) to buy 21) bán a) to buy b) to sell 22) giữ a) to take b) to let 23) giúp a) to carry b) to help 24) cần a) to need b) to want 25) dùng a) to bring b) to use/ to take (food, drink) 26) gọi a) to call/ to order b) to tell 27) cho a) to give/to let b) to take 28) hỏi a) to ask b) to tell 29) đưa a) to give (sb st)/ to take ( sb go somewhere) b) to take 30) nói a) to tell b) to say/ to speak

30 động từ Tiếng Việt


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