1) School teachers should be graded by their students. Agree or disagree. 2) Every child should have art and music classes as part of their education. Agree or disagree. 3) Parents should decide how much homework their children should be assigned. Agree or disagree. 4) There should be no grades in elementary school, only “pass” or “fail.” Agree or disagree. 5) Homeschooling is better than sending your child to a large public school. Agree or disagree. 6) All students should be required to participate in at least one school club or activity. Agree or disagree. 7) Schools should teach students how to manage one’s personal finances. Agree or disagree. 8) Schools should be required to teach home/survival skills, including cooking and first aid. Agree or disagree. 9) Schools should be paperless and use only digital materials, including e-books. Agree or disagree. 10) School principals/ directors should be elected rather than hired. Parents and teachers should be allowed to cast their votes. Agree or disagree. 11) A college (university) education is not necessary for a successful, prosperous career. Agree or disagree. 12) American school children should be required to learn a foreign language starting in elementary school. Agree or disagree. 13) More time should be spend learning modern history rather than ancient history. Agree or disagree. 14) Boys and girls learn better when they study separately. Agree or disagree. 15) It’s a good idea to work for a short time before applying to college (university). Agree or disagree.

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