Asking for opinions: What do you think, Mary?, What are your views on that point?, Do you agree?, Referring to speakers or lecturers or references: As the speaker pointed out.., As we have heard/ as we have read recently in the news, According to the lecturer / the student in the middle/ man, Disagreeing and partially disagreeing: That's true and I partially agree, but don't you think ..? , Yes up to a point, but I also think..., Mmm I don't really agree because ...., Contrasting interpretations of what has been said: That's not how I would interpret it. I think that ..., Do you think that's what the speaker meant? , agreeing and adding ideas: That's true and I also think that..., I agree with you and what's more I think.., Yes good point. I also think that ..., Giving your opinions: In my opinion ..., I think .., It seems to me that ..., Contrasting each other's ideas or opinions...: Mmm yes, but on the other hand.., Interesting, however..., Whereas..., clarifying and checking meaning: In other words I mean..., So what I mean is..., Can you tell me what do you mean by that?, Can you explain that a bit more please. What exactly is....,

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