1) What is a Virus? a) Microbe b) Bacteria c) A cell d) Computer Error e) Plant f) Animal 2) What is a Virus's job? a) To make you feel good b) To infect c) To make food d) To reproduce itself e) To produce energy f) To make you feel bad 3) What size is a Bacteria? a) Giant b) Microscopic c) Tiny d) Microoptic e) Huge f) Micro 4) How the 3 micro-oraganisms types look like ( Virus, Fungi, Bacteria )? a) b) c) d) e) f) 5) What DNAs does a Bacteria have? a) Chromosocial b) Chromosomal c) Adoptical d) Adoptable e) Plasmid f) Plasmatic 6) Is Fungi bigger by its size than Virus or Bacteria? a) It is the smallest b) It is the biggest c) Only bigger than Virus d) Only bigger than Bacteria e) -1 life f) +1 life 7) Is Fungi more like an animal, a plant, an alien? a) Animal b) Plant c) Alien d) ( Skip ) e) +1 life f) -1 life 8) What is the picture of a Virus? a) The right answer b) c) d) e)   f) 9) How do microbes spread into the body? a) Air b) Water c) Food d) Animals e) Touch f) Hair 10) By what organs on the body do microbes get in? a) Teeth b) Elbow c) Eyes d) Cuts e) Nose f) Mouth 11) Are all microbes harmful? a) Yes b) No c) Only Fungi, Virus d) Only Virus, Bacteria e) Only Fungi, Bacteria f) Sometimes 12) What type / ( s ) of micro-organisms cannot be harmful sometimes? a) Bacteria b) Fungi c) Virus d)   e)   f)   13) In dairy products what microbe is used? a) Protozoa b) Bacteria c) Algae d) Virus e) Fungi f) 14) Where does Protozoa microbe usually live? a) Lake b) Desert c) Moist habits d) Ocean e) Land f) Snow 15) What shape could Protozoa have? a) From a Bacteria to a Virus b) From Fungi to an Algae c) From a Virus to an Amoeba d) From an Amoeba to Paramecium e) From Paramecium to a Bacteria f) From Fungi to Paramecium 16) What is the picture of an Algae? a) b) c) d) e) f) 17) What structure does Fungi have? a) Spores b) Sporagum c) Sporangium d) Sporangiophore e) Sporangiophororanes f) Soropongium 18) Where is the structure of an Algae? a) b) c) d) e) f) 19) How many contents in common do an Algae and a Plant cell have ? (Simplified version of an Algae) ! a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) 4 f) 5 20) How many main types of microbes exist? a) 5 b) 3 c) 1 d) 2 e) 4 f) 6




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