abrazarse - to hug, alimentar - to feed, los valores - values, la amistad - friendship, apoyo - support, ayudar en casa - to help at home, barrer - to sweep, cortar el césped - to cut the grass, cuando era niño - when I was a child, saludarse - to greet, culpar a otros - blame others, darse la mano - to shake hands, despedirse - to say goodbye, disfrutar - to enjoy, doblar la ropa - to fold the clothes, golpear - to hit, gritar - to yell, hacer la cama - to make the bed, ir de caminata - to go hiking, juegos de mesa - board games, juntos - together, lavar la ropa - to wash the clothes, limpiar el polvo - to dust, llevarse bien - to get along well, mentir - to lie, pasar la aspiradora - to vacuum, poner la mesa - to set the table, quitar la mesa - to clear the table, regañar - to scold, sacar la basura - to take out the garbage,

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