True: In a room, there are 8 boys and 12 girls. The ratio of girls to boys is 3:2., In the word BALLOON, the ratio of consonants to vowels is 4:3., A pet store has 8 dogs, 12 turtles and 3 cats. The ratio 8:23 compares turtles to all animals., If Jack earns $46.80 for 6 hours of work, $7.80 is his rate of pay., 24 hours per day is a unit rate., The ratio 48:60 in simplest form is 4:5., It costs $2.25 to buy 9 pieces of candy. The unit price per piece of candy is 25 cents., False: 55 miles in 3 hours describes a unit rate., If you buy 20 apples for $10, each apple is $2., 125 students are riding 5 buses. 20 students are on each bus., 7 cats to 2 dogs is equivalent to 21 cats to 8 dogs., A recipe uses 2 cups of sugar to make 32 brownies. 4 cups of sugar are needed to make 72 brownies., The ratio 48:60 in simplest form is 4:7.,

ratio and rates practice 2



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