1) Cut off near with dull knife 2) A broom up the ass 3) Purple nurple 4) Eyebrows plucked bare 5) Nipple hair ripped out 6) Flames on nethers 7) Death by SNU SNU 8) Death by penguins 9) Thrown into a crater of legos 10) Act of betrayal 11) Death by being suffocated between a pair of thighs ;) 12) Break your fingers inch by inch 13) Remembering all your most embarrassing moments 14) Friendly fire finger twister 15) Sleep exhaustion 16) Pencil jammed in the ear 17) Death by being slapped in the face with a thick piece of meat 18) Die because of your kindness 19) Death by Cleveland steamer 20) Die because you cant shit 21) Die by being impaled with 10 sharp spears in the head, arms, legs, torso, testicles, eyes, and mouth 22) Japanese bamboo torture method 23) Die by getting your whole body pecked by 15 eagles 24) Die by getting bit by 800 tiny bugs in the butt (cockroaches, beetles, centipedes) 25) Colorado campfire

Death/ punishment picker


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