1) A neighboring country faces war. Receive two adult females, two adult males, and six children as refugees from the country of your choice. 2) Advances in health care lengthen life expectancy in your country. Add one elderly person for every three adults. 3) In an effort to boost fertility rate, your country offers more paid maternity leave. Add one child for every two adults. 4) Your country has a strong economy. Gain two adult males from another country of your choosing. 5) A flu outbreak kills 50% of people over age 65. Lose half your elderly. 6) Better agricultural techniques increase food supply. Add one boy and one girl child. 7) Climate change causes record heat in your country. Lose one adult and two elderly. 8) Your country has a strong economy, and you are not at war, so people begin to have more children, causing a "baby boom." Add four children. 9) Drought causes a famine. Remove one child for every two adults in your country. 10) A severe earthquake kills people in your country and a neighboring country. Lose one child, one adult, and one elderly from both countries.. 11) Poverty and lack of jobs drives adult males to migrate from your country. Move most of your adult males to a country of your choosing. 12) Ethnic minorities have become very unpopular in your country. All but one of your ethnic minorities migrate to the country having the largest share of ethnic minorities. 13) Your country's total fertility rate is currently 3.4. Gain five children. 14) Your country's total fertility rate is currently .9. Gain one child. 15) You're hosting the summer Olympics in 2036 and need to build new facilities. Import one adult male from each neighboring country as guest workers. 16) Your country's most educated adults emigrate to other countries for better jobs. Remove three adults. 17) Government policies encourage migration of skilled workers into your country. Gain one adult and one child from the country having the largest adult population. 18) Changing beliefs about vaccines lead to fewer children being routinely vaccinated, and there is an outbreak of measles. Remove one child. 19) Your country has favorable weather. Take one elderly person from every other country. 20) A nationwide campaign to inform women about contraception (birth control) reduces births. Remove all but one of your children. 21) Your country is economically developed, and gender equality is relatively high. Receive three adult females total, one each from three different countries. 22) More women are delaying having children to establish professional careers first. Lose two children. 23) Due to relatively few health care workers and facilities in your country, women are more likely to die during childbirth. Lose two adult females. 24) There is a cholera outbreak in your region because of contaminated water, and it kills people with less healthy immune systems. Lose two children in your country. 25) Male children are more desirable than female children in your country. Gain one female child and two male children. 26) Many people think it is too expensive to raise children in your country. Lose two children. 27) There is no social security in your country. Adult children support their elderly parents. Add four children. 28) Your country uses taxes to make the cost of child care low in your country. Gain two children. 29) Your country has a migration policy that reflects the value you place on cultural diversity. Gain one ethnic minority from every other country. 30) All men in your country must serve in the military, and war breaks out. Lose two adult males. 31) Verizon relocates its customer service call centers to a neighboring country and needs to hire fluent English speakers. Your country has many people who learn it as a second language. Lose two adult females to the neighboring country of your choice. 32) Your country is invaded by those who live far away. They introduce a pathogen to which people in your country have never been exposed. Lose half your entire population.

2.3 & 2.4 Activity - Chance Scenarios (adapted from geographyalltheway.com)


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