1) Which subatomic particle is POSITIVELY charged? a) Neutron b) Proton c) Electron d) Nucleus 2) Where are electrons located? a) Outside of the nucleus b) Inside the nucleus 3) What is the center part of an atom called? a) Matter b) Neutron c) Nucleus d) Proton 4) Which parts of the atom can be found in the nucleus? a) Electrons & Protons b) Protons & Neutrons c) Neutrons only 5) What are the smallest parts of matter called? a) Nucleus b) Matter c) Change d) Atoms 6) What are 2 atoms bonded together called? a) Molecules b) Atoms c) Electrons d) Nucleus 7) What are chemical changes? a) Changes in size of something b) Changes that create new matter c) Changes in the shape of something d) Changes in the state of something 8) Which of the following is an example of a change in state? a) Ice melting b) Wood burning c) Vinegar reacting 9) If I rip a piece of paper is that a chemical OR a physical change? a) chemical b) physical 10) If I burn a candle, is that a chemical or physical change? a) chemical b) physical

PS.8.1- Chemistry- 9th


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