1) She's used ...... being looked after. a) of b) to c) in d) by 2) He's afraid ...... spiders. a) in b) by c) of d) with 3) He's ashamed ...... his behaviour. a) in b) with c) at d) of 4) She's capable ...... winning the race. a) of b) at c) by d) with 5) A baby is dependent ...... parents. a) on b) of c) in d) by 6) I'm good ...... sport. a) in b) at c) by d) with 7) He's responsible ...... the accounts. a) in b) at c) for d) on 8) He's opposed ...... the decision. a) to b) of c) for d) in 9) He's suspicious ...... his motives. a) in b) of c) at d) by 10) She's terrible ...... singing. a) in b) at c) with d) on 11) I believe ....... aliens a) at b) for c) on d) in 12) I'm so angry .......you! a) for b) to c) in d) with

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