1) Which of these shows the digestive system in the correct order? a) Oesophagus > stomach > small intestine > large intestine. b) Stomach > oesophagus > small intestines > large intestine. c) Oesophagus > stomach > large intestine > small intestine. d) Stomach > oesophagus > large intestine > small intestine. 2) Where does the digestive system begin? a) Stomach. b) Mouth. c) Small intestine. d) Oesophagus 3) Which part of the digestive system absorbs nutrients into the blood? a) Oesophagus. b) Large intestine. c) Stomach. d) Small intestine. 4) Put the teeth in order from front to back if the mouth. a) Molar > premolar > canine > incisors. b) Incisor > canine > molar > premolar. c) Canin > incisors > premolar > molar. d) Incisor > canin > premolar > molar. 5) Which of these is most useful for cutting food? a) Tongue. b) Molar. c) Incisor. d) Premolar. 6) Which of these helps to grind and crush food? a) Canine. b) Molar. c) Incisor. d) Tongue. 7) What is a carnivore? a) A living thing that only eats plants. b) A living thing that only eats animals. c) A living thing that eats both plants and animals. d) A living thing that eats neither plants or animals. 8) Whcih of these shows a correct food chain from a woodland? a) Blackberry > caterpillar > small bird > owl b) grass > fox > small bird > worm c) owl > small bird > caterpillar d) fox > grass > worm > small bird 9) Which of the folllowing is not a predador? a) Tiger. b) Baboon. c) Shark. d) Elephant.

Science: Y4 Unit 1 Animals: Digestion and food AC


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