OFF-BEAT - The rhythm accent typically falls on beats 2 and 4, as in reggae, SYNCOPATION - When the notes fall off or in between the beats., BASS GUITAR - An instrument that plays the steady, bass line often prominent in reggae music. It only has 4 strings., REGGAE - A genre known for its off-beat rhythm and bass-heavy sound, CALYPSO - A Caribbean genre known for its syncopated rhythms and storytelling lyrics, STEEL PAN - A drum-like instrument from Trinidad, with a bright, metallic sound, CALL AND RESPONSE - A back-and-forth style where a leader sings or plays, and others respond, MARACAS - A shaker instrument often used in calypso music to add rhythm, CARNIVAL - A festival in Trinidad and other Caribbean islands with steel bands and calypso music, BOB MARLEY - A famous reggae musician known for songs like THREE LITTLE BIRDS,



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