1) Find the letter sound you hear at the end of the word. a) Bb b) Pp c) Ll d) Gg e) Rr f) Nn 2) Find the letter sound you hear at the end of the word. a) Nn b) Rr c) Gg d) Pp e) Ll f) Bb 3) Find the letter sound you hear at the end of the word. a) Dd b) Gg c) Nn d) Pp e) Rr f) Ll 4) Find the letter sound you hear at the end of the word. a) Gg b) Nn c) Dd d) Ll e) Pp f) Bb 5) Find the letter sound you hear at the end of the word. a) Ll b) Bb c) Pp d) Dd e) Rr f) Gg 6) Find the letter sound you hear at the end of the word. a) Bb b) Pp c) Rr d) Dd e) Gg f) Ll 7) Find the letter sound you hear at the end of the word. a) Dd b) Rr c) Bb d) Nn e) Ll f) Gg

ULS Unit 13 - Lesson 10 Ending Sounds


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