1) What's the matter? a) tired b) hungry c) frightened d) angry 2) What's the matter? a) thirsty b) worried c) angry d) frightened 3) What's the matter? a) stressed b) cold c) happy d) hungry 4) What's the matter? a) thirsty b) happy c) angry d) sad 5) What's the matter? a) happy b) bored c) angry d) tired 6) What's the matter? a) angry b) bored c) thirsty d) happy 7) What's the matter? a) tired b) hungry c) sad d) bored 8) What's the matter? a) thirsty b) worried c) tired d) angry 9) What's the matter? a) happy b) cold c) worried d) stressed 10) What's the matter? a) stressed b) worried c) thirsty d) angry 11) What's the matter? a) tired b) cold c) happy d) worried

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