1) Why don't you _____ (get) a better photo for your LinkedIn profile? a) get b) to get c) getting 2) You could ____(do) some online courses to improve your CV. a) do b) to do c) doing 3) How about ____ (put) some extra info on your profile. a) put b) to put c) putting 4) Why don't you ___(contact) a recruitment agency?  a) contact b) to contact c) contacting 5) You could _______ (rewrite) your introduction. a) rewrite b) to rewrite c) rewriting  6) Why don't you___________ (go) to a networking meeting? a) go b) to go c) going 7) You could___________ (find out) about the company before the interview. a) find out b) to find out c) finding out

Making suggestions multiple choice


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