shows a 3-D map of the earth, it is fun to fly on a windy day, the blank of the fire is too hot to touch, the green crawled on the side of the tree, is worth ten cents, the children slid down the green, a 3-D shape with 6 faces, a red flower with thorns, something you put flowers in, something you can do on ice , a sour green fruit, a queen sits on a throne, use this to water the grass in your yard, you eat your food on this, you do this when you're happy, a form of transportation, a wind instrument, I use this to help me swim, comes after 4 and before 6, most superheroes wear this, the first woman, not a horse but a ..., not a cold but the ....., __ __ __ __ __ notes, a _ _ _ _ girl, a rubix _ _ _ _, a test _ _ _ _, a _ _ _ _ house, a bumble ___ ___ ___, _ _ _ stack, a _ _ _ _ ground, a _ _ _ _coat, _ _ _ the cashier, a _ _ _ _ coupe, short for bicycle, something you wear in the kitchen, what are these, a cobra is a type of , night and _ _ _, something that lifts things.

Long Vowel Spelling either magic e, open syllable or vowel team



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