A smile is your passport into the hearts of others., A good way to keep healthy is to eat more Japanese food., If you have something good in your life, don't let it go!, A dream you have will come true., You will become great if you believe in yourself., You can make your own happiness., It's better to be alone sometimes., Stop wishing. Start doing., If you're happy, you're successful., You will be successful in love., Everything happens for a reason., Supress your fears or they supress you., Your smile brings happiness to everyone you meet., You will live long and enjoy life., Good things take time., Failure is the mother of all success., Trust your intuition., Eat something you never tried before., Your succeess will astonish everyone., Listen to yourself more often., The simplest answer is to act., The time is right to make new friends., Being happy is not always being perfect., A pleasant surprise is waiting for you..

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