1) __________ is when you got to where you are going. a) arrived b) immigrated c) inspected d) moment 2) John __________ to a new country. a) arrived b) immigrated c) whispered d) valuable 3) ____________ is when something is looked at closely and carefully. a) opportunity b) valuable c) inspected d) photographs 4) A ______ is a very short amount of time. a) photographs b) immigrated c) moment d) whispered 5) An ________ is a chance for good things to happen. a) opportunity b) whispered c) arrived d) moment 6) Jane took ________ with her new camera. a) valuable b) arrived c) moment d) photographs 7) Grandma's pearl necklace was very __________ to her because it was passed down for many generations. a) whispered b) valuable c) moment d) inspected 8) The students _________ in the library. a) whispered b) opportunity c) photographs d) moment

Wonders Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 2 Vocabulary


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