True: Your heart is located in your chest, Pacemaker cells cause the hear to contract, Deoxygenated blood enters the right side of the heart, The Vena Cava brings blood from the body, The Pulmonary vein brings blood to the heart from the lungs, Valves stop blood flowing backwards, Blood pressure to the body is higher than the pressure to the lungs, Blood carries oxygen, False: The right hand side of the heart is thicker than the left, The heart beat is controlled by the brain, Oxygenated blood enters the right of the heart, The Aorta carried deoxygenated blood, Pulmonary means 'related to the heart', Your lifestyles has no impact on your risk of heart disease, There is no benefit to a double circulatory system, The first chambers blood enters are the ventricles,

Heart True or False


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