Do you celebrate Christmas in your country? How do you celebrate it?, Is Christmas a national holiday where you live? Are schools and businesses closed? How long?, What supposedly happened at Christmas a long time ago? Why do Christians celebrate Christmas?, What do you usually do on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?  Compare with others., What do you usually eat at Christmas? Who cooks it?, What does Christmas mean to you personally?, Do you give (or receive) Christmas presents? What kind of presents do you buy? What presents do you like to get?, What do you like about Christmas? What don’t you like about it?, What is your favourite Christmas song? Can you sing it in English?, What do you know about Santa Claus (AmE) or Father Christmas (BrE)? Make a list., Did you believe in Santa Claus when you were young? When did you stop believing? Who told you?, Do you put up a Christmas tree? Is it real or artificial? What do you think is best for the environment? Why?, What’s the weather like at Christmas in your country? Do you like it?, Would you like to spend the Christmas holidays in another country?  Where? Explain why., What would you change about Christmas if you could? Would you change anything at all?, How many Christmas cards do you usually get? Do you write real Christmas cards or e-cards? Why?, ‘Christmas has become too commercialised.’ Explain. Do you agree or not? Discuss in group., What is Boxing Day? Do research and report to the class, What Christmas films do you know? What is your favourite?.

Let's talk about Christmas - Adults - Pre-Intermediate


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