Coraline is - the main character, Black Button Eyes - Seemed as if they had been freshly polished, Mirror - She had pushed through it as if she were walking through nothing reflecting, The Other Mother - picked up Coraline and placed her on the counter, Coraline suggested this game - An exploring game, Coraline asked the Other Mother - about the size of souls but Other Mother didn't reply, The Other Mother just tapped - her long pointy nails against the counter, Coraline thought it is scarier to - to be afraid of something you cannot see, Coraline walked into the room and the toys - were excited as she walked in the room, Through the stone - the world looked gray and colorless, Coraline took a deep breath and said - "I'm not afraid," she told herself, "I'm not", The dog-bats flapped and fluttered, but - they did nothing to hurt Coraline, "Flee Miss," "Flee now!" Flee this place while - your blood still flows wailed a girl's voice in her head, Coraline dropped the marble - into her pocket beside the other, pulled the door until it opened,

Ch 8 Coraline


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