1) What form of energy is produced by the flow of electric charges? a) magnet b) electricity c) static electricity d) swing e) wagon f) repel 2) What type of force can act on an object without coming physically in contact with it? a) contact force b) kick a soccer ball c) non-contact force d) push a baby carriage e) close a door f) swing a bat 3) What object can attract iron and a few other - but not all - metals? a) Van de Graff Generator b) Rube Goldberg Machine c) electrical wires d) electric circuit e) ramp f) magnet 4) What happens when opposite poles draw or pull or draw toward something? a) gravity b) repels c) tug of war d) attracts e) contact force f) lever 5) What is a build up or an electrical charge on an object? a) static electricity b) electrical wires c) gravity d) contact force e) unbalanced force f) wheel 6) What happens when same poles act to drive back or fight against something? a) gravity b) repels c) tug of war d) attracts e) contact force f) lever

Unit 2 Lesson 3 What Forces Act from a Distance



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