

Exemples de la nostra comunitat

366 resultats de/d' 'английский'

IT IS - THEY ARE Qüestionari
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Plural nouns
Plural nouns Qüestionari
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B1 Zero&First Conditional
B1 Zero&First Conditional Qüestionari
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B1  Will, to be going to + test
B1 Will, to be going to + test Qüestionari
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Gerunds and Infinitives
Gerunds and Infinitives Dóna la volta a les peces
Emotions Qüestionari d'imatges
emotions Cartes aleatòries
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full stop/ question mark
full stop/ question mark Qüestionari
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Prepositions of time on at in
Prepositions of time on at in Cartes aleatòries
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Английский Qüestionari
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Spot2.1 M1U3a rooms in the house
Spot2.1 M1U3a rooms in the house Emparellar
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GW B1+ U4 Prefixes
GW B1+ U4 Prefixes Emparellar
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Valera Emparellar
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Food and drinks
Food and drinks Emparellar
Academy Stars 1 Unit 3 TRUE FALSE
Academy Stars 1 Unit 3 TRUE FALSE Veritat o mentida
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Spot2.1 M3U8a Vocabulary match
Spot2.1 M3U8a Vocabulary match Emparellar
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GW B1+ Houses and Homes
GW B1+ Houses and Homes Emparellar
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B1 Countries and Languages
B1 Countries and Languages Qüestionari
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GW B1+ Food adjectives
GW B1+ Food adjectives Emparellar
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Face & body parts
Face & body parts Ruleta
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Spot2.2 Teddy
Spot2.2 Teddy Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Nederlands in actie - 4e druk - Hoofdstuk 11
Nederlands in actie - 4e druk - Hoofdstuk 11 Emparellar
Who says?
Who says? Qüestionari
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Урок 36. Английский на отлично.
Урок 36. Английский на отлично. Targetes Flash
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Английский на отлично. 3 кл. Упр. 342
Английский на отлично. 3 кл. Упр. 342 Desfés l'embolic
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🎄 MERRY CHRISTMAS + VOCAB 🌟 from Paul Newson
🎄 MERRY CHRISTMAS + VOCAB 🌟 from Paul Newson Targetes Flash
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Английский на отлично. Урок 9-11. Слова с i,o.
Английский на отлично. Урок 9-11. Слова с i,o. Cartes aleatòries
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Английский на отлично. 3 класс. Упр. 340, 341.
Английский на отлично. 3 класс. Упр. 340, 341. Qüestionari
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Английский на отлично. Урок 9-15. Слова с i,o,а.
Английский на отлично. Урок 9-15. Слова с i,o,а. Cartes aleatòries
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Английский на отлично. 3 кл. Урок 51, 52
Английский на отлично. 3 кл. Урок 51, 52 Targetes Flash
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Слова английский
Слова английский Sopa de lletres
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Jobs // Who are you? (A1)
Jobs // Who are you? (A1) Cartes aleatòries
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TOO and ENOUGH Desfés l'embolic
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Pronunciation, [i:] - [i]
Pronunciation, [i:] - [i] Endreç del grup
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Headway Pre-Int Unit 3 adverbs
Headway Pre-Int Unit 3 adverbs Completa la frase
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Solutions Inter IC
Solutions Inter IC Emparellar
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Animals discussion
Animals discussion Obre la capsa
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Practice, Few/a few + little/a little
Practice, Few/a few + little/a little Obre la capsa
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Solutions Pre-Intermediate Unit 9 Passive voice (simple tenses)
Solutions Pre-Intermediate Unit 9 Passive voice (simple tenses) Qüestionari
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Irregular verbs, Set 1 (PS and PP are the same)
Irregular verbs, Set 1 (PS and PP are the same) Emparellar
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Films discussion
Films discussion Dóna la volta a les peces
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Past SImple and Continuous, HW Pre-Int, Unit 3
Past SImple and Continuous, HW Pre-Int, Unit 3 Cartes aleatòries
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Solutions Intermediate Unit 1B
Solutions Intermediate Unit 1B Emparellar
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Free time discussion
Free time discussion Ruleta
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School discussion
School discussion Obre la capsa
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3кл Unit 8 .
3кл Unit 8 . Targetes Flash
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Television discussion
Television discussion Ruleta
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3кл Unit 8 предметы + глаголы (rus)
3кл Unit 8 предметы + глаголы (rus) Targetes Flash
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School homework discussion
School homework discussion Cartes aleatòries
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Homophones, part 2
Homophones, part 2 Emparellar
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[i:] or [i]? Listening and pronunciation practice
[i:] or [i]? Listening and pronunciation practice Endreç del grup
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Pronunciation, /ə/ or not?
Pronunciation, /ə/ or not? Endreç del grup
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Go Getter 4 unit 5
Go Getter 4 unit 5 Sopa de lletres
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Cities discussion
Cities discussion Obre la capsa
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