
English Speaking Task

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Present Simple: speaking
Present Simple: speaking Cartes aleatòries
health speaking cards
health speaking cards Cartes aleatòries
Impromptu Speech Topics (Talk for a minute)
Impromptu Speech Topics (Talk for a minute) Cartes aleatòries
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Picture Questions A2
Picture Questions A2 Obre la capsa
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What if...?
What if...? Obre la capsa
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ILP: L2 Functional English - Formal Group Discussion - Useful Expressions
ILP: L2 Functional English - Formal Group Discussion - Useful Expressions Endreç del grup
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food discussion
food discussion Cartes aleatòries
Charity+ volunteering speaking topics
Charity+ volunteering speaking topics Cartes aleatòries
Relative Clauses Speaking
Relative Clauses Speaking Cartes aleatòries
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Friendship Speaking & Listening
Friendship Speaking & Listening Ruleta
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Who says this? GG3 U2.4
Who says this? GG3 U2.4 Endreç del grup
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Travel Vocab
Travel Vocab Emparellar
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Present Perfect questions- Entry 3- Task 2 S&L exam
Present Perfect questions- Entry 3- Task 2 S&L exam Desfés l'embolic
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Speaking Warm Up
Speaking Warm Up Ruleta
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Present Simple & Continuous Speaking Practice
Present Simple & Continuous Speaking Practice Ruleta
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Used to speaking cards
Used to speaking cards Cartes aleatòries
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News speaking cards
News speaking cards Cartes aleatòries
Modals Speaking
Modals Speaking Ruleta
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Cards Past Simple Wh- questions (you)
Cards Past Simple Wh- questions (you) Cartes aleatòries
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Speaking about Future (Going to or Will)
Speaking about Future (Going to or Will) Ruleta
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Questions about work and jobs
Questions about work and jobs Ruleta
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-ed or -ing
-ed or -ing Qüestionari
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Superlatives & Comparatives Speaking Practice
Superlatives & Comparatives Speaking Practice Ruleta
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OGE Speaking task 2 Phrases
OGE Speaking task 2 Phrases Endreç del grup
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Daily routines open the box no words
Daily routines open the box no words Obre la capsa
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B2 Speaking Part 1 questions - Random cards
B2 Speaking Part 1 questions - Random cards Cartes aleatòries
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Jobs quiz cards
Jobs quiz cards Qüestionari
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Daily Routines Quiz
Daily Routines Quiz Qüestionari
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Missing verb (was/were/wasn't /weren't)
Missing verb (was/were/wasn't /weren't) Ruleta
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English Clothes
English Clothes Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Health problems quiz
Health problems quiz Qüestionari
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Speaking Topics
Speaking Topics Ruleta
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Numbers 1-10 English
Numbers 1-10 English Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Speaking: nature & environment
Speaking: nature & environment Ruleta
ILP: L1 FS English - Formal Group Discussion - Useful Expressions
ILP: L1 FS English - Formal Group Discussion - Useful Expressions Endreç del grup
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Present Perfect & Past Simple Speaking
Present Perfect & Past Simple Speaking Ruleta
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PASSIVE VOICE Cartes aleatòries
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What were you doing?
What were you doing? Cartes aleatòries
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English quiz
English quiz Qüestionari
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Academy Stars 2 Unit 2.6 Fill in the gaps
Academy Stars 2 Unit 2.6 Fill in the gaps Completa la frase
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10-step Formal Letter Layout/ Structure
10-step Formal Letter Layout/ Structure Emparellar
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2. Fact or Opinion?
2. Fact or Opinion? Qüestionari
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Advertising Cartes aleatòries
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Introduction to Speaking and Listening
Introduction to Speaking and Listening Qüestionari
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14b Wild animals (from Racing to English)
14b Wild animals (from Racing to English) Emparellar
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Modals Speaking Practice
Modals Speaking Practice Obre la capsa
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Past Perfect Speaking Practise.
Past Perfect Speaking Practise. Cartes aleatòries
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Past Simple & Past Continuous - Quiz
Past Simple & Past Continuous - Quiz Qüestionari
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Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous.
Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous. Qüestionari
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Relative Clauses
Relative Clauses Qüestionari
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Controversial Discussion Topics - Part I
Controversial Discussion Topics - Part I Ruleta
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Indefinite pronouns Quiz
Indefinite pronouns Quiz Qüestionari
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Present Perfect Continuous Quiz
Present Perfect Continuous Quiz Qüestionari
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English Language
English Language Ruleta
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Letter / Email Writing Quiz
Letter / Email Writing Quiz Cartes aleatòries
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Have got/has got
Have got/has got Qüestionari
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Relative Clauses Unjumble
Relative Clauses Unjumble Desfés l'embolic
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