
Kéttannyelvű általános iskola

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345 resultats de/d' 'kéttannyelvű általános iskola'

Colour Qüestionari
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Colours Anagrama
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Spelling numbers
Spelling numbers Anagrama
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Present Continuous with the Simpsons
Present Continuous with the Simpsons Qüestionari
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Days of the week
Days of the week Desfés l'embolic
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Ordinal numbers
Ordinal numbers Troba la parella
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Winter clothing
Winter clothing Cartes aleatòries
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Ellentétek/Szerettem-Nem szerettem
Ellentétek/Szerettem-Nem szerettem Targetes Flash
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Present Simple and continious
Present Simple and continious Completa la frase
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Present simple and continious
Present simple and continious Qüestionari
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Cloths Unit 7 B
Cloths Unit 7 B Emparellar
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Ki vagyok én?  Kvíz
Ki vagyok én? Kvíz Qüestionari
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School objects
School objects Targetes Flash
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Fontos igék!
Fontos igék! Emparellar
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Family Cartes aleatòries
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Simple present
Simple present Troba la parella
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Parts of the flower
Parts of the flower Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Smart Junior 4/ Unit 7B
Smart Junior 4/ Unit 7B Cartes aleatòries
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Fontos igék! /Gyakorlása/Kvíz
Fontos igék! /Gyakorlása/Kvíz Qüestionari
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The colour-wheel
The colour-wheel Cartes aleatòries
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What can you do in autumn?
What can you do in autumn? Troba la parella
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Description/Személyleírás Cartes aleatòries
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 Some/any/a/an - countable/uncountable with food and containers
Some/any/a/an - countable/uncountable with food and containers Qüestionari
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Csak some!!!
Csak some!!! Cartes aleatòries
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to be ige ragozása
to be ige ragozása Emparellar
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Now or not now? Present simple and present continous
Now or not now? Present simple and present continous Veritat o mentida
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Colour Mots encreuats
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Colour Troba la parella
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Some and any/worksheet 1
Some and any/worksheet 1 Qüestionari
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to be conjugation/practice
to be conjugation/practice Qüestionari
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Present Simple/ Questions
Present Simple/ Questions Targetes Flash
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Present Simple/ Questions
Present Simple/ Questions Qüestionari
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The family/ Exam /Vocabulary
The family/ Exam /Vocabulary Cartes aleatòries
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Present continuous
Present continuous Completa la frase
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The days of the week
The days of the week Cartes aleatòries
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Essential grammar in use/Unit 76.2/ some and any
Essential grammar in use/Unit 76.2/ some and any Completa la frase
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Countable/uncountable Endreç del grup
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Town. Prepositions of place. (in front of, behind, between, next to)
Town. Prepositions of place. (in front of, behind, between, next to) Qüestionari
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Fontos igék!
Fontos igék! Obre la capsa
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to be ige ragozása /doboznyitó
to be ige ragozása /doboznyitó Obre la capsa
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Ordinal number match up
Ordinal number match up Emparellar
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Clothing Cartes aleatòries
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Present Continious
Present Continious Qüestionari
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Kérdések TO BE -vel/kérdőszóval
Kérdések TO BE -vel/kérdőszóval Qüestionari
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Food Cartes aleatòries
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Prepostions of place
Prepostions of place Qüestionari
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Living room furniture and furnishings QUIZ
Living room furniture and furnishings QUIZ Qüestionari
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Instruction/ Smart Junior 3/ Unit 1-3
Instruction/ Smart Junior 3/ Unit 1-3 Targetes Flash
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autumn Emparellar
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 Is/ are there + some, any , a
Is/ are there + some, any , a Qüestionari
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Ellentétek Qüestionari
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Present Continious
Present Continious Desfés l'embolic
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Spelling numbers 11-100
Spelling numbers 11-100 Emparellar
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House Diagrama amb etiquetes
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3.2 Roots, Stem, Leaves
3.2 Roots, Stem, Leaves Cartes aleatòries
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Summer clothing
Summer clothing Cartes aleatòries
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Some and any/worksheet 2
Some and any/worksheet 2 Qüestionari
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Simple present 4
Simple present 4 Qüestionari
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Nature and science for children 4/ The honey bee/Vocabulary
Nature and science for children 4/ The honey bee/Vocabulary Cartes aleatòries
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Our continent is Europe
Our continent is Europe Cartes aleatòries
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