
Key Stage 2 Mathematics Fractions

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Multiples of 7
Multiples of 7 Cop al talp
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Percentages and Fractions
Percentages and Fractions Qüestionari
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Square Numbers
Square Numbers Emparellar
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Percentages, Decimals and Fractions
Percentages, Decimals and Fractions Emparellar
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Money Quiz
Money Quiz Qüestionari
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Fractions in words
Fractions in words Emparellar
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Fractions - Greater than or Less than One Half
Fractions - Greater than or Less than One Half Endreç del grup
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Equivalent fractions sorting game
Equivalent fractions sorting game Endreç del grup
Equivalent Fractions
Equivalent Fractions Veritat o mentida
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Match the Equivalent Fractions
Match the Equivalent Fractions Troba la parella
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Equivalent fractions and decimals
Equivalent fractions and decimals Emparellar
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Ordering fractions game
Ordering fractions game Ruleta
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Roman Numerals Quiz
Roman Numerals Quiz Qüestionari
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Multiplication and Division by 8
Multiplication and Division by 8 Emparellar
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Square Numbers
Square Numbers Cop al talp
Teen and ty numbers
Teen and ty numbers Emparellar
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Equivalent Fractions
Equivalent Fractions Troba la parella
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Times Tables Quiz
Times Tables Quiz Qüestionari
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Place value
Place value Qüestionari
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Match up fractions to decimals
Match up fractions to decimals Emparellar
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Simplifying ratio
Simplifying ratio Emparellar
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equivalent fractions match up
equivalent fractions match up Emparellar
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Match Up fractions to percentages
Match Up fractions to percentages Emparellar
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Fractions that are equivalent to 1/2
Fractions that are equivalent to 1/2 Cop al talp
Equivalent fractions, true or false
Equivalent fractions, true or false Veritat o mentida
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Converting Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers
Converting Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers Qüestionari
equivalent fractions
equivalent fractions Endreç del grup
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Which is the equivalent fraction?
Which is the equivalent fraction? Qüestionari
find fractions of amounts
find fractions of amounts Emparellar
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Whole, halves and quarters.
Whole, halves and quarters. Endreç del grup
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fractions Qüestionari de concurs
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Money coins match
Money coins match Emparellar
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number word match 1-20
number word match 1-20 Emparellar
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Mode, Median, Range, Mean
Mode, Median, Range, Mean Completa la frase
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Unit Fractions of Amounts
Unit Fractions of Amounts Qüestionari de concurs
Fractions picture and words match-up
Fractions picture and words match-up Emparellar
fractions quiz
fractions quiz Qüestionari
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Mental maths quiz - mixed
Mental maths quiz - mixed Qüestionari
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 Fractions of Amounts
Fractions of Amounts Dóna la volta a les peces
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Division Diagrama amb etiquetes
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11 times table
11 times table Cop al talp
Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator
Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator Qüestionari
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Ordering Fractions
Ordering Fractions Ordre de classificació
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Ordering Numbers (3)
Ordering Numbers (3) Ordre de classificació
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Percentages of money
Percentages of money Emparellar
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Multiplication or division?
Multiplication or division? Qüestionari
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Fractions vocabulary
Fractions vocabulary Emparellar
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 Addition counting in tens match up
Addition counting in tens match up Emparellar
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Division by 8
Division by 8 Cop al talp
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Match fractions to decimals
Match fractions to decimals Troba la parella
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Ordering Numbers (2)
Ordering Numbers (2) Ordre de classificació
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Times tables spinner (2, 3, 4, 5, 10 times tables)
Times tables spinner (2, 3, 4, 5, 10 times tables) Ruleta
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Prime Numbers
Prime Numbers Cop al talp
Matching common fractions, percentages and decimals
Matching common fractions, percentages and decimals Emparellar
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