
Key Stage 4 / GCSE English Theatre and Film

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10.000+ resultats de/d' 'ks4 english theatre and film'

Romeo and Juliet - The Plot
Romeo and Juliet - The Plot Ordre de classificació
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Romeo And Juliet Quiz
Romeo And Juliet Quiz Qüestionari
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Film vocabulary
Film vocabulary Troba la parella
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Romeo and Juliet Match- Up
Romeo and Juliet Match- Up Emparellar
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Vocabulary for writing reviews of films or books
Vocabulary for writing reviews of films or books Anagrama
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conventions of script writing
conventions of script writing Endreç del grup
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Romeo And Juliet- Wordsearch
Romeo And Juliet- Wordsearch Sopa de lletres
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Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet Qüestionari
An Inspector Calls Opening Quiz
An Inspector Calls Opening Quiz Qüestionari
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Macbeth themes
Macbeth themes Ruleta
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Romeo and Juliet quotation jumble
Romeo and Juliet quotation jumble Desfés l'embolic
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Macbeth Plot Sort Challenge!
Macbeth Plot Sort Challenge! Endreç del grup
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Macbeth crossword
Macbeth crossword Mots encreuats
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Actividades en las vacaciones
Actividades en las vacaciones Veure i memoritzar
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Word Classes
Word Classes Emparellar
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language devices match up
language devices match up Emparellar
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Descriptive Writing Task - Using Language Features in Writing
Descriptive Writing Task - Using Language Features in Writing Ruleta
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Imagery Emparellar
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Language Techniques for Paper 1
Language Techniques for Paper 1 Qüestionari de concurs
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Drama Techniques
Drama Techniques Emparellar
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Language and structure
Language and structure Endreç del grup
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Language Techniques and definition
Language Techniques and definition Emparellar
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AQA Power and Conflict Poetry Mix & Match!
AQA Power and Conflict Poetry Mix & Match! Emparellar
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adjective, verb and adverb sort
adjective, verb and adverb sort Endreç del grup
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Romeo and Juliet - who said what?
Romeo and Juliet - who said what? Emparellar
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labelling bacteria and viruses
labelling bacteria and viruses Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Personal Qualities
Personal Qualities Emparellar
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Literary Devices
Literary Devices Troba la parella
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Conjunctions Cop al talp
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Non fiction match it
Non fiction match it Emparellar
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Memory Game (clothes)
Memory Game (clothes) Emparellar
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quiz - match the answer to the definition
quiz - match the answer to the definition Qüestionari
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adverbs-collocations-01 Emparellar
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Structural techniques
Structural techniques Emparellar
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Prepositions of movement
Prepositions of movement Qüestionari
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Language features match up
Language features match up Emparellar
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Synonyms Emparellar
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Figurative language
Figurative language Obre la capsa
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persuasive techniques
persuasive techniques Emparellar
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Language Features
Language Features Emparellar
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language match up
language match up Emparellar
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Sentence Type sort
Sentence Type sort Endreç del grup
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Persuasive terms
Persuasive terms Emparellar
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Word classes
Word classes Emparellar
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Persuasive Writing
Persuasive Writing Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Writing Types
Writing Types Emparellar
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Verbal and Non - Vebal Communication
Verbal and Non - Vebal Communication Endreç del grup
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Spanish Viva GCSE Module 4 - Sports and Past Tense
Spanish Viva GCSE Module 4 - Sports and Past Tense Persecució dins del laberint
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Plant and Animal Cells KS4
Plant and Animal Cells KS4 Emparellar
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Money vocabulary Match up
Money vocabulary Match up Emparellar
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nervous system key words
nervous system key words Emparellar
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types of communication
types of communication Endreç del grup
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form wheel of questions
form wheel of questions Ruleta
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explaining osmosis
explaining osmosis Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Les loisirs
Les loisirs Ruleta
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Food Of The Season
Food Of The Season Endreç del grup
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