
Language arts

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4.656 resultats de/d' 'language arts'

Sorting Objects by Colour
Sorting Objects by Colour Endreç del grup
English Language
English Language Ruleta
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collective nouns 20.2.17
collective nouns 20.2.17 Emparellar
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Understanding Onomatopoeias
Understanding Onomatopoeias Qüestionari
Simon Says: Make the facial expression or show the body language.
Simon Says: Make the facial expression or show the body language. Ruleta
language match up
language match up Emparellar
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Entry 1 group discussion language
Entry 1 group discussion language Endreç del grup
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COLORS Qüestionari
My Community  Buildings Matching Review
My Community Buildings Matching Review Emparellar
Relative Clauses Speaking
Relative Clauses Speaking Cartes aleatòries
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Relative Clauses
Relative Clauses Qüestionari
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Structural Devices
Structural Devices Emparellar
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Relative Clauses
Relative Clauses Qüestionari
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Present Continuous
Present Continuous Qüestionari
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Controversial Discussion Topics - Part I
Controversial Discussion Topics - Part I Ruleta
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Prepositions of time - At / On / In
Prepositions of time - At / On / In Endreç del grup
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Speaking about Future (Going to or Will)
Speaking about Future (Going to or Will) Ruleta
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Relative Clauses Quiz
Relative Clauses Quiz Qüestionari
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Relative Clauses Unjumble
Relative Clauses Unjumble Desfés l'embolic
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Superlatives & Comparatives Speaking Practice
Superlatives & Comparatives Speaking Practice Ruleta
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Speaking Warm Up
Speaking Warm Up Ruleta
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Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Present Simple vs Present Continuous Qüestionari
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Some & Any
Some & Any Qüestionari
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Have got/has got
Have got/has got Qüestionari
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Present Simple & Continuous Speaking Practice
Present Simple & Continuous Speaking Practice Ruleta
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PASSIVE VOICE Cartes aleatòries
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Past Simple & Past Continuous - Quiz
Past Simple & Past Continuous - Quiz Qüestionari
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Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous.
Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous. Qüestionari
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Past Continuous vs Past Simple
Past Continuous vs Past Simple Completa la frase
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Future Simple Quiz
Future Simple Quiz Qüestionari
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Active or Passive Voice?
Active or Passive Voice? Qüestionari
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Modals Speaking
Modals Speaking Ruleta
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Indefinite pronouns Quiz
Indefinite pronouns Quiz Qüestionari
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Present Perfect Continuous Quiz
Present Perfect Continuous Quiz Qüestionari
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Language and structure
Language and structure Endreç del grup
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Figurative language
Figurative language Obre la capsa
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figurative language
figurative language Qüestionari
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Language Techniques
Language Techniques Emparellar
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Language Features
Language Features Sopa de lletres
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Language Features
Language Features Emparellar
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Language Features
Language Features Targetes Flash
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Language Techniques
Language Techniques Ruleta
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Body Language
Body Language Ruleta
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Language features match up
Language features match up Emparellar
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Subject and Verb Agreement 2.0
Subject and Verb Agreement 2.0 Completa la frase
language devices match up
language devices match up Emparellar
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14b Wild animals (from Racing to English)
14b Wild animals (from Racing to English) Emparellar
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Body Idioms
Body Idioms Emparellar
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Reported Speech Quiz
Reported Speech Quiz Qüestionari
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Эмоции Troba la parella
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Another, Other, Others, The other, The others
Another, Other, Others, The other, The others Qüestionari
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Questions about Films
Questions about Films Ruleta
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Present Perfect + Since / For
Present Perfect + Since / For Endreç del grup
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Advanced Travel Vocabulary in English with Real-Life Stories
Advanced Travel Vocabulary in English with Real-Life Stories Emparellar
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Countable &  Uncountable
Countable & Uncountable Endreç del grup
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Present Perfect & Past Simple Speaking
Present Perfect & Past Simple Speaking Ruleta
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Modals Speaking Practice
Modals Speaking Practice Obre la capsa
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