
Primary English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) Irregular verbs

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10.000+ resultats de/d' 'primary esol irregular verbs'

irregular red, blue, purple, yellow group
irregular red, blue, purple, yellow group Emparellar
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Simple Past Irregular Verbs
Simple Past Irregular Verbs Qüestionari
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Past Simple Irregular Verbs
Past Simple Irregular Verbs Troba la parella
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Ten common irregular verbs NEF 5C
Ten common irregular verbs NEF 5C Emparellar
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Past Simple irregular & regular verbs NEF Ele 5C
Past Simple irregular & regular verbs NEF Ele 5C Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Simple Past Irregular Verbs
Simple Past Irregular Verbs Qüestionari
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Simple Past Verbs
Simple Past Verbs Endreç del grup
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HDW - E2 - Past Simple - Irregular verbs
HDW - E2 - Past Simple - Irregular verbs Emparellar
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Present Simple - Missing Verbs
Present Simple - Missing Verbs Completa la frase
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 Do VS Be verbs
Do VS Be verbs Endreç del grup
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Present continuous tense (I, you,he she)_10 common verbs
Present continuous tense (I, you,he she)_10 common verbs Qüestionari
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Phrasal verbs NEF Int 7C a
Phrasal verbs NEF Int 7C a Completa la frase
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Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal Verbs Emparellar
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Past simple regular verbs ~ed pronunciation
Past simple regular verbs ~ed pronunciation Endreç del grup
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Irregular verbs spinner 4
Irregular verbs spinner 4 Ruleta
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Irregular verbs spinner 3
Irregular verbs spinner 3 Ruleta
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Irregular verbs spinner 2
Irregular verbs spinner 2 Ruleta
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Irregular verbs spinner 1
Irregular verbs spinner 1 Ruleta
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Small Talk
Small Talk Obre la capsa
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Comparatives - word order
Comparatives - word order Desfés l'embolic
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Tenses - Missing Word (Present Simple)
Tenses - Missing Word (Present Simple) Completa la frase
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Telling the time
Telling the time Emparellar
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What if...?
What if...? Obre la capsa
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Harry Potter (diagram)
Harry Potter (diagram) Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Real and unreal conditionals (random wheel)
Real and unreal conditionals (random wheel) Ruleta
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Parts of the house: the Simpsons
Parts of the house: the Simpsons Qüestionari
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Describing People - Adjectives
Describing People - Adjectives Endreç del grup
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Tenses - Missing Word
Tenses - Missing Word Completa la frase
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Personal information question and answer match
Personal information question and answer match Emparellar
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Adjectives - Definition Match
Adjectives - Definition Match Emparellar
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Transport and Travel vocab matching
Transport and Travel vocab matching Emparellar
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In, at, on (prepositions of place)
In, at, on (prepositions of place) Endreç del grup
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Capital Letters Quiz
Capital Letters Quiz Qüestionari
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Present continuous tense
Present continuous tense Qüestionari
Tenses - missing gap
Tenses - missing gap Completa la frase
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My neighbourhood
My neighbourhood Troba la parella
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Conjugation - Present Simple
Conjugation - Present Simple Qüestionari
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Adjectives and Their Opposites
Adjectives and Their Opposites Emparellar
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Missing Full Stop, Question Marks, Exclamation Marks
Missing Full Stop, Question Marks, Exclamation Marks Completa la frase
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Travel Vocab
Travel Vocab Emparellar
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Holidays - Past Simple Questions (Irregular Verbs)
Holidays - Past Simple Questions (Irregular Verbs) Cartes aleatòries
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Present Simple - Correct / Incorrect
Present Simple - Correct / Incorrect Qüestionari
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Present continuous
Present continuous Completa la frase
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Adverbs of Frequency  Timeline
Adverbs of Frequency Timeline Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Days of the week
Days of the week Troba la parella
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ROOMS Qüestionari
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Describing People
Describing People Qüestionari de concurs
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Windows desktop
Windows desktop Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Dependent Prepositions
Dependent Prepositions Qüestionari
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Jobs Anagrama
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Daily Routine
Daily Routine Completa la frase
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 Restaurant phrases
Restaurant phrases Desfés l'embolic
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Present continuous or present simple?
Present continuous or present simple? Completa la frase
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Directions Qüestionari
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Present  continuous /simple present
Present continuous /simple present Ruleta
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Past Tense Questions
Past Tense Questions Completa la frase
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Conjunctions:  And or But
Conjunctions: And or But Qüestionari
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signs Troba la parella
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this that these those
this that these those Qüestionari
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