
Year 3 Chinese

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Year 3 Colours
Year 3 Colours Emparellar
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时间time in Chinese
时间time in Chinese Qüestionari
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Dates in Mandarin (characters only)
Dates in Mandarin (characters only) Esclat de globus
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CLOTHES Emparellar
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ai Troba la parella
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regular verbs present tense
regular verbs present tense Emparellar
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(New) Chinese New Year Quiz
(New) Chinese New Year Quiz Qüestionari
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Place Value Balloon Pop
Place Value Balloon Pop Esclat de globus
Bar Graph Questions
Bar Graph Questions Qüestionari
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Parts of the body - Anagram
Parts of the body - Anagram Anagrama
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Contractions balloon pop
Contractions balloon pop Esclat de globus
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Y3 Pictionary Homophones Quiz
Y3 Pictionary Homophones Quiz Qüestionari
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Y3 Which items are magnetic or non-magnetic?
Y3 Which items are magnetic or non-magnetic? Endreç del grup
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rutina diaria
rutina diaria Veure i memoritzar
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French - Mon petit boulot
French - Mon petit boulot Emparellar
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Minecraft Persecució dins del laberint
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days of the week
days of the week Anagrama
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had to
had to Desfés l'embolic
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FH3 L19 was/were (group sort)
FH3 L19 was/were (group sort) Endreç del grup
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Object Pronoun - Cohesion
Object Pronoun - Cohesion Troba la parella
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Writing a Postcard - Mixed Tenses
Writing a Postcard - Mixed Tenses Completa la frase
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Stone Age Quiz
Stone Age Quiz Qüestionari
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The Plurals
The Plurals Ruleta
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Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Personal information (5)
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Personal information (5) Targetes Flash
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I can sequence the events that lead to pollination of flowers
I can sequence the events that lead to pollination of flowers Ordre de classificació
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Division Quiz
Division Quiz Esclat de globus
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Year 3 Place Value
Year 3 Place Value Qüestionari
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HSK 3 按正确顺序排句
HSK 3 按正确顺序排句 Desfés l'embolic
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Own it! 2 Unit 3 Feelings
Own it! 2 Unit 3 Feelings Emparellar
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Multiplication Quiz
Multiplication Quiz Qüestionari
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Two - digit Numbers
Two - digit Numbers Qüestionari
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Metų laikai ir mėnesiai
Metų laikai ir mėnesiai Endreç del grup
French Fruit
French Fruit Emparellar
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Parts of the Plants - Jobs
Parts of the Plants - Jobs Qüestionari
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Temperature Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Homophones in Context
Homophones in Context Completa la frase
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Family Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Capital Letters
Capital Letters Qüestionari
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Parts of a Plant
Parts of a Plant Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Go Getter 3 Unit 2.1 Shopping Quiz
Go Getter 3 Unit 2.1 Shopping Quiz Emparellar
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 Year 3 Colours quiz
Year 3 Colours quiz Avió
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Year 3 Match up game - Time
Year 3 Match up game - Time Emparellar
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Y3 Magnetic or non-magnetic?
Y3 Magnetic or non-magnetic? Endreç del grup
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Plants vocab game
Plants vocab game Esclat de globus
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Division facts quiz
Division facts quiz Qüestionari de concurs
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mm cm m conversions
mm cm m conversions Troba la parella
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Y3 Hangman Los dias de la semana
Y3 Hangman Los dias de la semana Penjat
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Year 3 Plants - Key Knowledge Parts of a Plant
Year 3 Plants - Key Knowledge Parts of a Plant Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Sunflower life cycle
Sunflower life cycle Diagrama amb etiquetes
Light sources Year 3
Light sources Year 3 Endreç del grup
Misoedd y flwyddyn / Months of the year
Misoedd y flwyddyn / Months of the year Emparellar
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Time- analogue to digital
Time- analogue to digital Qüestionari
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Multiplication and Division words
Multiplication and Division words Endreç del grup
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Compound words - matching pairs
Compound words - matching pairs Emparellar
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Multiples - True or False
Multiples - True or False Veritat o mentida
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Even and Odd
Even and Odd Cop al talp
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Get talking! (Warm-up Qs)
Get talking! (Warm-up Qs) Ruleta
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Pronouns Qüestionari
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Health and safety symbols
Health and safety symbols Troba la parella
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