
Взрослые Speakout interm

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Polite Requests
Polite Requests Completa la frase
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Speakout Intermediate Unit 7.1
Speakout Intermediate Unit 7.1 Troba la parella
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SpeakOut Pre-Inter 2.1
SpeakOut Pre-Inter 2.1 Desfés l'embolic
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Tag questions
Tag questions Cartes aleatòries
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Confusing words
Confusing words Completa la frase
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Tag Questions
Tag Questions Qüestionari
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Defining Relative Clauses Game
Defining Relative Clauses Game Obre la capsa
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3.1. Vocabulary: Organisation
3.1. Vocabulary: Organisation Emparellar
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Idioms Speakout Interm 3unit
Idioms Speakout Interm 3unit Emparellar
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Idioms 6.2 Speakout Upper
Idioms 6.2 Speakout Upper Troba la parella
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SpeakOut Upper Interm. 4.2 Grammar
SpeakOut Upper Interm. 4.2 Grammar Desfés l'embolic
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Personal Qualities: Positive or Negative?
Personal Qualities: Positive or Negative? Cartes aleatòries
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Qualities Completa la frase
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Present Perfect Simple vs Continuous
Present Perfect Simple vs Continuous Targetes Flash
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Second Conditionals U6.2
Second Conditionals U6.2 Completa la frase
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Success Completa la frase
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Real Conditions
Real Conditions Targetes Flash
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Non-defining relative clauses
Non-defining relative clauses Obre la capsa
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Extreme Adjectives Speaking
Extreme Adjectives Speaking Cartes aleatòries
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Narrative Tenses
Narrative Tenses Cartes aleatòries
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Verbs and Prepositions
Verbs and Prepositions Qüestionari
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Present and Past Ability Discussion
Present and Past Ability Discussion Ruleta
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Much, many, few, little, a few, a little
Much, many, few, little, a few, a little Targetes Flash
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Quantifiers Completa la frase
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Collocations Endreç del grup
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Confusing words: correct the mistakes.
Confusing words: correct the mistakes. Cartes aleatòries
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Idioms in Pictures
Idioms in Pictures Cartes aleatòries
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Tag questions
Tag questions Cartes aleatòries
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SpeakOut Interm. Unit 8. Vocabulary
SpeakOut Interm. Unit 8. Vocabulary Completa la frase
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Collocations Unit1.2_Speakout B1
Collocations Unit1.2_Speakout B1 Endreç del grup
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Tourist Attractions Sol Interm
Tourist Attractions Sol Interm Qüestionari
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SpeakOut Upper Intermediate. Lesson 4.3 Listening
SpeakOut Upper Intermediate. Lesson 4.3 Listening Desfés l'embolic
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My Future Plans
My Future Plans Cartes aleatòries
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3.1 The Future (Plans)
3.1 The Future (Plans) Completa la frase
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work collocations (u2.2)
work collocations (u2.2) Emparellar
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SpeakOut Upper-Interm. Lesson 4.2
SpeakOut Upper-Interm. Lesson 4.2 Emparellar
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SpeakOut Upper-Interm. 7.1
SpeakOut Upper-Interm. 7.1 Emparellar
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Confusing words 2
Confusing words 2 Qüestionari
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Adverbs of Manner
Adverbs of Manner Qüestionari
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SpeakOut Upper-Interm Unit 7.3 p. 154
SpeakOut Upper-Interm Unit 7.3 p. 154 Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Solutions Interm Unit 4E
Solutions Interm Unit 4E Endreç del grup
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Solutions Interm U4A
Solutions Interm U4A Qüestionari
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SpeakOut Interm. Vocab. 7.3
SpeakOut Interm. Vocab. 7.3 Emparellar
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SpeakOut Interm. 6.3
SpeakOut Interm. 6.3 Desfés l'embolic
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Opinion essay Solutions Interm 3H
Opinion essay Solutions Interm 3H Endreç del grup
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Solutions Interm Review 3 - 2
Solutions Interm Review 3 - 2 Qüestionari
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Solutions Interm Unit 4A - Houses
Solutions Interm Unit 4A - Houses Emparellar
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unit 10.2 Speakout Pre-Intermediate Types of Crime
unit 10.2 Speakout Pre-Intermediate Types of Crime Troba la parella
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SpeakOut Upper-Interm. Unit 5
SpeakOut Upper-Interm. Unit 5 Desfés l'embolic
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5.2 Speakout elementary food containers.
5.2 Speakout elementary food containers. Endreç del grup
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Directions - Speakout Starter
Directions - Speakout Starter Emparellar
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SpeakOut Upper Interm Grammar 7.3
SpeakOut Upper Interm Grammar 7.3 Desfés l'embolic
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Sol Interm 1C Attitudes
Sol Interm 1C Attitudes Troba la parella
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Solutions Interm 6F Verbs and Prepositions
Solutions Interm 6F Verbs and Prepositions Troba la parella
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Speakout 5.2 Travel items
Speakout 5.2 Travel items Cartes aleatòries
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unit 8.2 Speakout Pre-Intermediate TOO and ENOUGH
unit 8.2 Speakout Pre-Intermediate TOO and ENOUGH Desfés l'embolic
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Unit 6.2 SpeakOut Starter
Unit 6.2 SpeakOut Starter Qüestionari
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Solutions Interm 4A Parts of a house and garden
Solutions Interm 4A Parts of a house and garden Emparellar
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Superlatives and Comparatives
Superlatives and Comparatives Completa la frase
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Speakout Upper-Interm Unit 9.3
Speakout Upper-Interm Unit 9.3 Cartes aleatòries
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