
Средняя школа Английский язык

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Past Perfect/Past Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect/Past Perfect Continuous Qüestionari
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Time clause/if-clause
Time clause/if-clause Completa la frase
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Rachel's daily routine
Rachel's daily routine Completa la frase
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Advent: true or false?
Advent: true or false? Targetes Flash
Comparatives. Speaking Cards
Comparatives. Speaking Cards Cartes aleatòries
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Halloween vocabulary teenagers
Halloween vocabulary teenagers Emparellar
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Travelling. Discussion
Travelling. Discussion Ruleta
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Reflexive pronouns
Reflexive pronouns Qüestionari
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shopping Completa la frase
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SM3_days of the week_timetable
SM3_days of the week_timetable Cartes aleatòries
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OGE Travelling
OGE Travelling Dóna la volta a les peces
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EO4_unit 1_used to/would
EO4_unit 1_used to/would Endreç del grup
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What's the time?
What's the time? Ruleta
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Questions about animals
Questions about animals Desfés l'embolic
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New Year's resolutions
New Year's resolutions Ruleta
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Verb Patterns Unit 1.5
Verb Patterns Unit 1.5 Obre la capsa
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EO4_unit 2_reflexive pronouns
EO4_unit 2_reflexive pronouns Cartes aleatòries
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Solution Placement Test
Solution Placement Test Qüestionari
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SM3_days of the week_dictation
SM3_days of the week_dictation Ruleta
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thanksgiving quiz
thanksgiving quiz Qüestionari
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Used to Would Conversation Cards Unit 3
Used to Would Conversation Cards Unit 3 Cartes aleatòries
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Passive/Active_OGE Endreç del grup
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above? below? near? under? inside? outside?
above? below? near? under? inside? outside? Persecució dins del laberint
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Feelings. Prepare 1, unit 2.
Feelings. Prepare 1, unit 2. Anagrama
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Go Getter3. Unit 2.1. Shopping
Go Getter3. Unit 2.1. Shopping Emparellar
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Present tenses (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect)
Present tenses (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect) Endreç del grup
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SM3_days of the week
SM3_days of the week Mots encreuats
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Cooking verbs
Cooking verbs Cartes aleatòries
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OGE City-town
OGE City-town Cartes aleatòries
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Past Simple + Past Continuous Unit 4.3
Past Simple + Past Continuous Unit 4.3 Obre la capsa
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Solutions Elementary 2A School subjects Questions
Solutions Elementary 2A School subjects Questions Cartes aleatòries
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Solutions Elem 8A Sports
Solutions Elem 8A Sports Endreç del grup
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What are you wearing? - I am wearing... Liz is wearing..... I'm not wearing...
What are you wearing? - I am wearing... Liz is wearing..... I'm not wearing... Qüestionari
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Present Tenses
Present Tenses Endreç del grup
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Gold Exp B1 U1 — Personality adjectives vocabulary revision
Gold Exp B1 U1 — Personality adjectives vocabulary revision Qüestionari
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How long have you ...
How long have you ... Cartes aleatòries
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Cooking verbs Unit 4.1
Cooking verbs Unit 4.1 Emparellar
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Solutions Upper-Intermediate Unit 1 Fame Personality words Practice
Solutions Upper-Intermediate Unit 1 Fame Personality words Practice Qüestionari
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Flying vocabulary
Flying vocabulary Troba la parella
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Adjective order
Adjective order Endreç del grup
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Describing food Unit 4.1
Describing food Unit 4.1 Troba la parella
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I wish situations
I wish situations Cartes aleatòries
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degree of comparison
degree of comparison Qüestionari
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SM5_unit 4_Zero conditional
SM5_unit 4_Zero conditional Qüestionari
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Summer activities teens A2-B1
Summer activities teens A2-B1 Cartes aleatòries
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Taboo+Stories = Taboories
Taboo+Stories = Taboories Cartes aleatòries
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Modals of deduction Present
Modals of deduction Present Qüestionari
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Present Perfect + countries
Present Perfect + countries Cartes aleatòries
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Solutions Elementary 3E Open the box
Solutions Elementary 3E Open the box Obre la capsa
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Asking for and giving opinions Unit 4.4
Asking for and giving opinions Unit 4.4 Desfés l'embolic
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Own it 2, unit 4 (money verbs)
Own it 2, unit 4 (money verbs) Emparellar
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Solutions 3E Name 3
Solutions 3E Name 3 Ruleta
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SM3_unit1_school subjects
SM3_unit1_school subjects Anagrama
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Verbs in the past
Verbs in the past Emparellar
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Simple Passives
Simple Passives Completa la frase
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Own it!2_U1_TV shows
Own it!2_U1_TV shows Qüestionari
Spotlight 5 Unit 2a Countries and Nationalities
Spotlight 5 Unit 2a Countries and Nationalities Cartes aleatòries
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SpeakOut Elementary Unit 5.2: Containers
SpeakOut Elementary Unit 5.2: Containers Emparellar
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Present and Past Simple Active and Passive
Present and Past Simple Active and Passive Completa la frase
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Gateway A1+ (unit1)
Gateway A1+ (unit1) Diagrama amb etiquetes
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