
English / ESL Grammar 18 100

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Action and state verbs (Int)
Action and state verbs (Int) Qüestionari
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Reported Speech 1
Reported Speech 1 Cartes aleatòries
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Business warm-up general questions
Business warm-up general questions Cartes aleatòries
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Irregular Verbs Part 1
Irregular Verbs Part 1 Cartes aleatòries
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Irregular Verbs 5
Irregular Verbs 5 Cartes aleatòries
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Irregular Verbs Part 2
Irregular Verbs Part 2 Cartes aleatòries
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Reported speech 2
Reported speech 2 Cartes aleatòries
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EF 2A Things elementary CARDS
EF 2A Things elementary CARDS Cartes aleatòries
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Present or Future Simple
Present or Future Simple Qüestionari
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 Adverbs of manner
Adverbs of manner Cartes aleatòries
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8B - Reported speech
8B - Reported speech Cartes aleatòries
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Imperatives (Activity 3)
Imperatives (Activity 3) Qüestionari
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Irregular Verbs 4
Irregular Verbs 4 Cartes aleatòries
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Past Simple or Past Continous
Past Simple or Past Continous Completa la frase
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Present Simple or Present Continuous (Unit 5C)
Present Simple or Present Continuous (Unit 5C) Cartes aleatòries
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[s], [z], [iz] (Activity 2)
[s], [z], [iz] (Activity 2) Endreç del grup
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What are they/is it?
What are they/is it? Desfés l'embolic
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BE 1 Unit 4 What's he/she wearing?
BE 1 Unit 4 What's he/she wearing? Qüestionari
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Have got/has got
Have got/has got Qüestionari
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Numbers 0-100 Flashcards (100 cards) #my_teaching_stuff
Numbers 0-100 Flashcards (100 cards) #my_teaching_stuff Cartes aleatòries
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english file intremediate review 1-2 grammar
english file intremediate review 1-2 grammar Qüestionari
Numbers 10-100
Numbers 10-100 Qüestionari
Never/Ever - Present Perfect
Never/Ever - Present Perfect Qüestionari
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Numbers 20-100
Numbers 20-100 Penjat
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What are they/is it
What are they/is it Emparellar
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I wish... / If only... (NTE Int 10.1)
I wish... / If only... (NTE Int 10.1) Cartes aleatòries
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Past Simple / Present Perfect - Speaking
Past Simple / Present Perfect - Speaking Ruleta
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Have got (questions)
Have got (questions) Obre la capsa
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Past Simple Answer the Questions
Past Simple Answer the Questions Obre la capsa
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Numbers: 11 to 100 Wordsearch
Numbers: 11 to 100 Wordsearch Sopa de lletres
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Numbers 11-100 Airplanes
Numbers 11-100 Airplanes Avió
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Phrasal Verbs (NTE Inter Unit 1 Vocabulary)
Phrasal Verbs (NTE Inter Unit 1 Vocabulary) Emparellar
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A/An, plural + vocabulary
A/An, plural + vocabulary Qüestionari
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Question words (who/whose/what/which)
Question words (who/whose/what/which) Completa la frase
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Regular Plurals
Regular Plurals Endreç del grup
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Ability, Past and Present (NTE Inter 7.3)
Ability, Past and Present (NTE Inter 7.3) Ruleta
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Irregular Plurals
Irregular Plurals Emparellar
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Demonstratives Endreç del grup
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Word Order in Questions
Word Order in Questions Desfés l'embolic
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Questions & Answers (EF Elementary 6C)
Questions & Answers (EF Elementary 6C) Targetes Flash
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Is there/Are there...?
Is there/Are there...? Completa la frase
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There's(isn't)/There are(aren't)
There's(isn't)/There are(aren't) Qüestionari
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Ordinal numbers
Ordinal numbers Emparellar
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Spotlight 6 Module 6
Spotlight 6 Module 6 Emparellar
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Numbers 11-100 write words
Numbers 11-100 write words Penjat
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Spotlight 5 Module 4a
Spotlight 5 Module 4a Anagrama
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Go Getter 2 Unit 0.5
Go Getter 2 Unit 0.5 Anagrama
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Numbers: 11 to 100  var 1
Numbers: 11 to 100 var 1 Emparellar
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Quiz 11-100 write words
Quiz 11-100 write words Qüestionari
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Find the match 11 to 100
Find the match 11 to 100 Troba la parella
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Present Perfect Simple or Continuous? Speaking
Present Perfect Simple or Continuous? Speaking Cartes aleatòries
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Irregular Verbs (easy)
Irregular Verbs (easy) Cartes aleatòries
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There is/are
There is/are Veritat o mentida
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Устный счет в пределах 100
Устный счет в пределах 100 Ruleta
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Prepositions of Time + Questions (NTE Pre 8.2)
Prepositions of Time + Questions (NTE Pre 8.2) Endreç del grup
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Third conditional
Third conditional Obre la capsa
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GG3 U3.7 ex. 1
GG3 U3.7 ex. 1 Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Question forms Unit 1.1
Question forms Unit 1.1 Emparellar
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