
Super minds 1 unit 2

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What's this? Super Minds 1 Unit 1
What's this? Super Minds 1 Unit 1 Desfés l'embolic
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Super minds 2 -  activities unit 8
Super minds 2 - activities unit 8 Guanyar o perdre el qüestionari
What's his / her name. His / Her name is...
What's his / her name. His / Her name is... Qüestionari
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Is it a...? Yes, it is / No, it isn't. Classroom objects
Is it a...? Yes, it is / No, it isn't. Classroom objects Desfés l'embolic
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Classroom objects
Classroom objects Emparellar
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Is it a ...? Yes, it is/ No, it isn't. Classroom objects
Is it a ...? Yes, it is/ No, it isn't. Classroom objects Qüestionari
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SM1_toys Troba la parella
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Articles a/ an
Articles a/ an Qüestionari
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Daily routine activities Super minds 1 Unit 1
Daily routine activities Super minds 1 Unit 1 Cartes aleatòries
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Adjectives Super Minds Unit 2
Adjectives Super Minds Unit 2 Cartes aleatòries
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he she  + name + age +toy
he she + name + age +toy Cartes aleatòries
per en/la
SM3 U2 Super Grammar Reading 2
SM3 U2 Super Grammar Reading 2 Emparellar
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Super Minds 1 Opposite adj. Unit 2
Super Minds 1 Opposite adj. Unit 2 Troba la parella
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Super minds 2 off we go
Super minds 2 off we go Sopa de lletres
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Look at the picture and choose.
Look at the picture and choose. Qüestionari
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Super Minds 1 classrom actions
Super Minds 1 classrom actions Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Whose clothes are these? Unit 5
Whose clothes are these? Unit 5 Endreç del grup
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Unit 5 My bedroom flashcards
Unit 5 My bedroom flashcards Cartes aleatòries
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SM 5 unit 2 vocab yes/no
SM 5 unit 2 vocab yes/no Veritat o mentida
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SM 5 vocab dictation
SM 5 vocab dictation Penjat
per en/la
SM3 U2 - story true or false
SM3 U2 - story true or false Veritat o mentida
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SM 5 Unit 2 vocab spelling
SM 5 Unit 2 vocab spelling Anagrama
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SM 5 unit 2 'have to'
SM 5 unit 2 'have to' Completa la frase
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Super Minds 2 Unit 5 Vocabulary
Super Minds 2 Unit 5 Vocabulary Emparellar
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Some/a(n) practice
Some/a(n) practice Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Habitats Endreç del grup
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There is/are + some/a/an
There is/are + some/a/an Endreç del grup
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SM 5 UNIT 2 vocabulary
SM 5 UNIT 2 vocabulary Emparellar
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SM 5 numbers UNIT 2
SM 5 numbers UNIT 2 Qüestionari
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SM1_free time activities_positive and negative_unit 5
SM1_free time activities_positive and negative_unit 5 Obre la capsa
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SM 5 unit 2 numbers spelling
SM 5 unit 2 numbers spelling Anagrama
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SM1_rooms_spelling_unit 6
SM1_rooms_spelling_unit 6 Penjat
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Super Minds 1 Unit 9     Where are ....? Where is......?
Super Minds 1 Unit 9 Where are ....? Where is......? Desfés l'embolic
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SM1_clothes_unit 7
SM1_clothes_unit 7 Troba la parella
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Fruit and vegetables
Fruit and vegetables Anagrama
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SM1_family in the house_unit 6
SM1_family in the house_unit 6 Troba la parella
per en/la
SM3 U2 - food items - anagram
SM3 U2 - food items - anagram Anagrama
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SM1_unit 7_is_are_am_wearing
SM1_unit 7_is_are_am_wearing Qüestionari
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Super Minds 2 unit 6: vocab review
Super Minds 2 unit 6: vocab review Qüestionari d'imatges
am/is/are super minds 1
am/is/are super minds 1 Qüestionari
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Super Minds S Unit 1
Super Minds S Unit 1 Ruleta
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Super minds 1 unit 2 toys she he (age+name+toy)
Super minds 1 unit 2 toys she he (age+name+toy) Cartes aleatòries
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Super Minds 2 Unit 5 Furniture
Super Minds 2 Unit 5 Furniture Diagrama amb etiquetes
per en/la
SM2_sports_like playing_unit 8
SM2_sports_like playing_unit 8 Obre la capsa
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SM2 U8 Sports - Body parts labelled diagram
SM2 U8 Sports - Body parts labelled diagram Diagrama amb etiquetes
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SM2 - U8 Breathing and sports flip tiles
SM2 - U8 Breathing and sports flip tiles Dóna la volta a les peces
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SM1_There is_are_unit 6_house_yes_no
SM1_There is_are_unit 6_house_yes_no Qüestionari
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Super Minds 3 page 100 listening
Super Minds 3 page 100 listening Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Adjectives Super Minds 1 Unit 2
Adjectives Super Minds 1 Unit 2 Cartes aleatòries
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Super Minds 2 Unit 1
Super Minds 2 Unit 1 Qüestionari
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Super minds 2 -  Activities unit 8 - labyrinth
Super minds 2 - Activities unit 8 - labyrinth Persecució dins del laberint
The burglars: yes or no
The burglars: yes or no Veritat o mentida
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The market spell words
The market spell words Completa la frase
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SM3 - story - order the sentences
SM3 - story - order the sentences Ordre de classificació
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SM 1 Unit 2 toys
SM 1 Unit 2 toys Anagrama
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Sm 5 unit 2 grammar 'have to'
Sm 5 unit 2 grammar 'have to' Desfés l'embolic
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SM3 U2 The golden apple story - order the sentences
SM3 U2 The golden apple story - order the sentences Ordre de classificació
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Super Minds 2 Unit 1 new words
Super Minds 2 Unit 1 new words Diagrama amb etiquetes
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SM 5 Track text Unit 2
SM 5 Track text Unit 2 Completa la frase
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Sm 5 unit 2 conversation
Sm 5 unit 2 conversation Qüestionari
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