
Вища освіта Grammar

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Бази даних
Бази даних Emparellar
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Friendship and family Questions
Friendship and family Questions Ruleta
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Present Perfect Verbs (pre-intermediate level) Memory Cards
Present Perfect Verbs (pre-intermediate level) Memory Cards Emparellar
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Oxford exam trainer B2 unit 4 education 1
Oxford exam trainer B2 unit 4 education 1 Emparellar
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Обличчя (до підручника крок за кроком)
Обличчя (до підручника крок за кроком) Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Що я виідчуваю, коли...
Що я виідчуваю, коли... Ruleta
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Reported Speech
Reported Speech Qüestionari
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Providing that / as long as / unless
Providing that / as long as / unless Qüestionari
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Sprechen B1
Sprechen B1 Ruleta
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Млинчикове передбачення
Млинчикове передбачення Obre la capsa
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Nennen Sie das richtige Adjektive.
Nennen Sie das richtige Adjektive. Qüestionari
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co robisz, kiedy? (pogoda)
co robisz, kiedy? (pogoda) Obre la capsa
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Languages Cartes aleatòries
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«Іншомовні слова»
«Іншомовні слова» Qüestionari
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Побажання Obre la capsa
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Comparatives and Superlatives Questions
Comparatives and Superlatives Questions Ruleta
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Futures Will / Present Simple / Present Continuous / be going to
Futures Will / Present Simple / Present Continuous / be going to Qüestionari
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Кличний відмінок
Кличний відмінок Endreç del grup
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per en/la
Fragewörter: Emparellar
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Menschen A1.2 Lektion 16 KVL Wichtige Termine
Menschen A1.2 Lektion 16 KVL Wichtige Termine Cartes aleatòries
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Основні терміни реляційної бази даних
Основні терміни реляційної бази даних Qüestionari
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아요 어요 해요
아요 어요 해요 Endreç del grup
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People: personality, meeting people, neighborhood, gender
People: personality, meeting people, neighborhood, gender Ruleta
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Cleft sentences
Cleft sentences Obre la capsa
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Small talk 2
Small talk 2 Obre la capsa
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Gerund and Infinitive 2
Gerund and Infinitive 2 Obre la capsa
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Передбачення на тиждень
Передбачення на тиждень Ruleta
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Christmas / New Year Speaking
Christmas / New Year Speaking Obre la capsa
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Unit 8. Food Verbs
Unit 8. Food Verbs Emparellar
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Unit 8. Taste (adjectives)
Unit 8. Taste (adjectives) Emparellar
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Present Simple (-, s)
Present Simple (-, s) Qüestionari
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Conditional 1
Conditional 1 Qüestionari
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Present Simple (doesn't/do)
Present Simple (doesn't/do) Qüestionari
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Сніжана_Question words
Сніжана_Question words Emparellar
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Past Qüestionari
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Health Questions
Health Questions Ruleta
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Лексичні помилки
Лексичні помилки Qüestionari
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Talking about last holiday
Talking about last holiday Cartes aleatòries
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-И / І в іншомовних словах
-И / І в іншомовних словах Endreç del grup
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ПО БАТЬКОВІ Qüestionari
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Technology speaking
Technology speaking Obre la capsa
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Christmas Idioms
Christmas Idioms Emparellar
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Ages and stages of life. 1A Solutions Intermediate
Ages and stages of life. 1A Solutions Intermediate Emparellar
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-И / -І в іншомовних словах
-И / -І в іншомовних словах Endreç del grup
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Christmas / New Year
Christmas / New Year Ruleta
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Speakout upper intermediate/ Unit 1.2
Speakout upper intermediate/ Unit 1.2 Qüestionari
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ING-form/Bare or Full Infinitive Questions (speaking)
ING-form/Bare or Full Infinitive Questions (speaking) Obre la capsa
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And; But; So; Because
And; But; So; Because Ruleta
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Nature speaking
Nature speaking Obre la capsa
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wegen trotz
wegen trotz Ruleta
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Clothes B1
Clothes B1 Completa la frase
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Warm-up Speaking 2
Warm-up Speaking 2 Ruleta
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mir /dir
mir /dir Qüestionari
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Happiness. A2+ (6A)
Happiness. A2+ (6A) Cartes aleatòries
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hOUSe Diagrama amb etiquetes
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opis osoby_słownictwo
opis osoby_słownictwo Emparellar
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generator of sentences for Present Continuous B2 Level
generator of sentences for Present Continuous B2 Level Ruleta
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Already VS Yet
Already VS Yet Completa la frase
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