
English / ESL Vocabulary In use

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Shopping Vocabulary
Shopping Vocabulary Cartes aleatòries
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modals of deduction present
modals of deduction present Cartes aleatòries
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Shopping Obre la capsa
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Prepare 7. Ukrainian Edition. Unit 02. Grammar Game 2. VERBS WE DON’T USUALLY USE IN THE CONTINUOUS
Prepare 7. Ukrainian Edition. Unit 02. Grammar Game 2. VERBS WE DON’T USUALLY USE IN THE CONTINUOUS Completa la frase
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Prepare 7. Ukrainian Edition. Unit 02. Grammar Game 1. Verbs we don't usually use in the continuous
Prepare 7. Ukrainian Edition. Unit 02. Grammar Game 1. Verbs we don't usually use in the continuous Endreç del grup
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Phrasal verbs GET
Phrasal verbs GET Emparellar
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Use of English B2
Use of English B2 Emparellar
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Emotions Cutting edge Upper
Emotions Cutting edge Upper Emparellar
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EF B2 Unit 3 Top Gear Challenge Vocab Extra
EF B2 Unit 3 Top Gear Challenge Vocab Extra Completa la frase
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Choose the correct verb
Choose the correct verb Qüestionari
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What makes people happy at work?
What makes people happy at work? Completa la frase
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use of english section 11
use of english section 11 Emparellar
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Gerund/infinitive (change in meaning)
Gerund/infinitive (change in meaning) Cartes aleatòries
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Small talk WORK
Small talk WORK Cartes aleatòries
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Use of English B2
Use of English B2 Endreç del grup
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Vocabulary B1 Feelings ed /ing
Vocabulary B1 Feelings ed /ing Qüestionari
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Use of English B2 unit 1
Use of English B2 unit 1 Completa la frase
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Use of English B2 Section 2
Use of English B2 Section 2 Endreç del grup
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Use of English B2 Section 2
Use of English B2 Section 2 Endreç del grup
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Use of English B2 p. 26
Use of English B2 p. 26 Troba la parella
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Use of English B2 Section 2
Use of English B2 Section 2 Endreç del grup
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Use of English B2 unit 1
Use of English B2 unit 1 Endreç del grup
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Roadmap A2 Put 2-3 questions about the topic
Roadmap A2 Put 2-3 questions about the topic Cartes aleatòries
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Places in the town
Places in the town Troba la parella
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Non action-verbs
Non action-verbs Ruleta
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Use of english B2 U3
Use of english B2 U3 Qüestionari
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Use of English B2 U6
Use of English B2 U6 Endreç del grup
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English File Intermediate: Strong Adjectives
English File Intermediate: Strong Adjectives Targetes Flash
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Roadmap A2 plus Unit 1A, Make up a question
Roadmap A2 plus Unit 1A, Make up a question Cartes aleatòries
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Places in the town
Places in the town Troba la parella
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 IN - ON - AT
IN - ON - AT Endreç del grup
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Small talk LIFE STORY
Small talk LIFE STORY Ruleta
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Whose/ Possessive's
Whose/ Possessive's Targetes Flash
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Present Perfect Simple / Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect Simple / Present Perfect Continuous Ruleta
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Verb+preposition Qüestionari
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Christmas / New Year Phrasal Verbs
Christmas / New Year Phrasal Verbs Emparellar
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English file_clothes we wear activity 2
English file_clothes we wear activity 2 Emparellar
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Free-time activities
Free-time activities Troba la parella
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Match Countries&Nationalities
Match Countries&Nationalities Emparellar
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 FF 3 unit 1 Countries
FF 3 unit 1 Countries Emparellar
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BR PI U1 Companies
BR PI U1 Companies Completa la frase
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EF PI U4A Make or Do
EF PI U4A Make or Do Endreç del grup
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Roadmap A2. unit 4. Review
Roadmap A2. unit 4. Review Cartes aleatòries
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Use of English B2 unit 1
Use of English B2 unit 1 Endreç del grup
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Use of English 1.6 (Focus 3)
Use of English 1.6 (Focus 3) Endreç del grup
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Use of English B2 p.22
Use of English B2 p.22 Completa la frase
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Use of English B2 unit 6 prepositions
Use of English B2 unit 6 prepositions Dóna la volta a les peces
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