
K sound

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10.000+ resultats de/d' 'k sound'

 /k/ sound - fill in the blank (real words)
/k/ sound - fill in the blank (real words) Qüestionari
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Spelling (k) through k, c //ck, k
Spelling (k) through k, c //ck, k Endreç del grup
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Spelling (k) (through k,c//ck, k) Part 1
Spelling (k) (through k,c//ck, k) Part 1 Qüestionari de concurs
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Fundations Sound Cards K
Fundations Sound Cards K Dóna la volta a les peces
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C or K
C or K Persecució dins del laberint
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K and G sound Practice
K and G sound Practice Cop al talp
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Sound Sort /qu/ /k/ /w/
Sound Sort /qu/ /k/ /w/ Endreç del grup
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Ending Sound - FUNdations Level K
Ending Sound - FUNdations Level K Qüestionari
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WHAT IS THIS? Qüestionari d'imatges
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Game Show- initial s
Game Show- initial s Qüestionari de concurs
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Beginning Letter Sound
Beginning Letter Sound Ruleta
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spellings of /k/ sound
spellings of /k/ sound Qüestionari
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(K-3rd) F Sound
(K-3rd) F Sound Ruleta
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Ending sound K Week 1-5
Ending sound K Week 1-5 Qüestionari de concurs
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Ending sound K Week 1-2
Ending sound K Week 1-2 Qüestionari de concurs
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Beginning Sound Match-Fun K U1W5
Beginning Sound Match-Fun K U1W5 Emparellar
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Initial sound contest
Initial sound contest Qüestionari de concurs
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Sound sort /b/  & /p/
Sound sort /b/ & /p/ Qüestionari
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Short "o" Whack
Short "o" Whack Cop al talp
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Recognizing Beginning "C"
Recognizing Beginning "C" Endreç del grup
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Unvoiced th
Unvoiced th Persecució dins del laberint
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/k/ words-Initial
/k/ words-Initial Ruleta
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Unvoiced TH sound
Unvoiced TH sound Emparellar
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/k/ Final words
/k/ Final words Ruleta
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am/an sort
am/an sort Endreç del grup
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ow, ou, oi, oy
ow, ou, oi, oy Endreç del grup
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NFL Teams
NFL Teams Ruleta
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Short vowels
Short vowels Endreç del grup
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b vs. d
b vs. d Endreç del grup
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3.6 choose the spelling for the /k/ sound
3.6 choose the spelling for the /k/ sound Qüestionari de concurs
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L9 Sequencing Sentences (4)
L9 Sequencing Sentences (4) Ordre de classificació
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Find Beginning "C"
Find Beginning "C" Esclat de globus
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Final /s/ words
Final /s/ words Ruleta
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Barton Book 3 Review Spelling /k/ sound
Barton Book 3 Review Spelling /k/ sound Qüestionari
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Letter M
Letter M Cop al talp
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Blue 89 y as a vowel sound
Blue 89 y as a vowel sound Endreç del grup
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Words that start with "C"
Words that start with "C" Esclat de globus
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Fundations Sound Cards K
Fundations Sound Cards K Obre la capsa
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Blends, c, k, -ck, nasal blends, VCe
Blends, c, k, -ck, nasal blends, VCe Penjat
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Initial S WORDS and final ts
Initial S WORDS and final ts Dóna la volta a les peces
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Air Sounds Quiz Show
Air Sounds Quiz Show Qüestionari de concurs
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Final /k/ sound
Final /k/ sound Endreç del grup
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VCe Spelling Hangman
VCe Spelling Hangman Penjat
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Movement Break: Yoga
Movement Break: Yoga Obre la capsa
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Y says Long I / Y says /y/ Sort
Y says Long I / Y says /y/ Sort Endreç del grup
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1-20 OG SDS Lesson - Y Says Long I Whack-a-mole
1-20 OG SDS Lesson - Y Says Long I Whack-a-mole Cop al talp
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2-9 OG SDS Lesson - Soft and Hard C and G Sort
2-9 OG SDS Lesson - Soft and Hard C and G Sort Endreç del grup
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Whack Beginning "C"
Whack Beginning "C" Cop al talp
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Color Wheel Matching Game
Color Wheel Matching Game Endreç del grup
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Motor Break
Motor Break Ruleta
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Articles (a, an, the)
Articles (a, an, the) Qüestionari
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Step 1.4
Step 1.4 Completa la frase
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Sound/Not Sound Group Sort (1st Grade Science)
Sound/Not Sound Group Sort (1st Grade Science) Endreç del grup
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Kas kam tinka?
Kas kam tinka? Troba la parella
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ALL Cop al talp
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