
5th Grade Hebrew Reading

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Barton 6.6 Doubling Rule
Barton 6.6 Doubling Rule Cop al talp
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G'vurot: Words and prayer
G'vurot: Words and prayer Qüestionari
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Shema & Vahavta: Fill in the missing word
Shema & Vahavta: Fill in the missing word Qüestionari
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Find the Hebrew letters Quiz
Find the Hebrew letters Quiz Qüestionari
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OPEN THE BOX Words to vowels matching
OPEN THE BOX Words to vowels matching Obre la capsa
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Hebrew Review
Hebrew Review Qüestionari
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Hebrew Vowels
Hebrew Vowels Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Aleph Bet Hebrew letters & vowels Quiz
Aleph Bet Hebrew letters & vowels Quiz Qüestionari
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Hebrew letter and sounds
Hebrew letter and sounds Qüestionari
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Hebrew Lesson 3: Pop the Hebrew letters
Hebrew Lesson 3: Pop the Hebrew letters Esclat de globus
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Aleph Bet Quiz
Aleph Bet Quiz Qüestionari
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Hebrew Aleph Bet
Hebrew Aleph Bet Diagrama amb etiquetes
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Avot V’Imahot: Missing word
Avot V’Imahot: Missing word Qüestionari
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Purim - Vocabulary
Purim - Vocabulary Emparellar
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Assessment 3 Click on the word that sounds the same as the top word
Assessment 3 Click on the word that sounds the same as the top word Qüestionari de concurs
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Avot Jumble
Avot Jumble Desfés l'embolic
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Win or Lose: Hebrew letters
Win or Lose: Hebrew letters Guanyar o perdre el qüestionari
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Assessment 1 Hebrew Letter Review
Assessment 1 Hebrew Letter Review Qüestionari
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Assessment 4 Vowel Sounds
Assessment 4 Vowel Sounds Emparellar
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 Aleph Bet Leters & Vowels
Aleph Bet Leters & Vowels Qüestionari de concurs
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שם עצם, פועל ותואר
שם עצם, פועל ותואר Endreç del grup
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Hebrew Lesson 1-Dino hitting into the Hebrew letter sounds
Hebrew Lesson 1-Dino hitting into the Hebrew letter sounds Avió
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Hanukkah Quiz
Hanukkah Quiz Qüestionari
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Hebrew Lesson 3: Hebrew letters Match up
Hebrew Lesson 3: Hebrew letters Match up Emparellar
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חַג שָׁבוּעוֹת
חַג שָׁבוּעוֹת Emparellar
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3.1 Sight Word Matching Game
3.1 Sight Word Matching Game Emparellar
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שמות גוף
שמות גוף Ruleta
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Reading with the EH vowel
Reading with the EH vowel Cop al talp
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Ashrei  י–end
Ashrei י–end Desfés l'embolic
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It's Hanukkah!
It's Hanukkah! Qüestionari de concurs
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Reading fractions and decimals
Reading fractions and decimals Esclat de globus
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Reading Review Vocabulary
Reading Review Vocabulary Emparellar
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Ashrei Emparellar
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Hebrew letters
Hebrew letters Ruleta
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Sh'ma & V'Ahavta fill in the blanks
Sh'ma & V'Ahavta fill in the blanks Qüestionari
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צלילים עד צירה/סגול
צלילים עד צירה/סגול Ruleta
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  מה אני יודע על פסח?
מה אני יודע על פסח? Qüestionari
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אוכל עם חיריק וקמץ
אוכל עם חיריק וקמץ Troba la parella
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V'Ahavta missing words
V'Ahavta missing words Completa la frase
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Family tree diagram in Hebrew
Family tree diagram in Hebrew Diagrama amb etiquetes
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5.10 Wordsearch
5.10 Wordsearch Sopa de lletres
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 בגדים clothing
בגדים clothing Emparellar
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Hebrew Lesson 10: "Nee" sound
Hebrew Lesson 10: "Nee" sound Cop al talp
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Hebrew letter quiz
Hebrew letter quiz Qüestionari
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Avot v'imahot missing word
Avot v'imahot missing word Completa la frase
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Missing Hebrew word in the V'ahavta
Missing Hebrew word in the V'ahavta Completa la frase
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Whack a Mole: Hebrew vowel sounds (Bah)
Whack a Mole: Hebrew vowel sounds (Bah) Cop al talp
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Hebrew letter and sounds
Hebrew letter and sounds Qüestionari
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Aleph Bet: Open the Box
Aleph Bet: Open the Box Obre la capsa
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 Hebrew Vowel & Aleph through Vet Flying game
Hebrew Vowel & Aleph through Vet Flying game Avió
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Kedushah Qüestionari
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V'Ahavta missing words
V'Ahavta missing words Completa la frase
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Avot: Missing letter & vowel
Avot: Missing letter & vowel Qüestionari
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Avot Flashcard
Avot Flashcard Targetes Flash
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Hebrew letter and sounds
Hebrew letter and sounds Qüestionari
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 עבר הווה
עבר הווה Cop al talp
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Hebrew Vowel Quiz 1
Hebrew Vowel Quiz 1 Qüestionari
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Chanukah 3-5
Chanukah 3-5 Emparellar
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זכר נקבה
זכר נקבה Endreç del grup
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Guided Reading Questions Interactive Wheel
Guided Reading Questions Interactive Wheel Ruleta
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