
7 or 8

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10.000+ resultats de/d' '7 or 8'

Barton 7.7 /ar/ /er/ /or/
Barton 7.7 /ar/ /er/ /or/ Avió
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Short or Long Vowel? (closed or v-e?)
Short or Long Vowel? (closed or v-e?) Veritat o mentida
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Short or Long? Use the correct vowel sound!
Short or Long? Use the correct vowel sound! Veritat o mentida
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Closed or V-E?  Balloon Pop.  Read out loud!
Closed or V-E? Balloon Pop. Read out loud! Esclat de globus
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7-1 or words
7-1 or words Cop al talp
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True or false anime
True or false anime Veritat o mentida
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<-dge> or <-ge>?
<-dge> or <-ge>? Qüestionari de concurs
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Barton 7.10 ORY or ARY
Barton 7.10 ORY or ARY Sopa de lletres
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8.13 Split the vowels or not?
8.13 Split the vowels or not? Endreç del grup
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Version 2 of <-dge> or <-ge>?
Version 2 of <-dge> or <-ge>? Qüestionari de concurs
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Barton 7.8 Whats my Vowel Sound?
Barton 7.8 Whats my Vowel Sound? Persecució dins del laberint
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Barton 7.5 /er/ or /ore/ which vowel sound?
Barton 7.5 /er/ or /ore/ which vowel sound? Endreç del grup
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Just Words Unit 8 Double, Drop or Just + Review
Just Words Unit 8 Double, Drop or Just + Review Endreç del grup
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Barton Level 8 Vowel Teams
Barton Level 8 Vowel Teams Emparellar
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7/8 Bullet Debate Topics
7/8 Bullet Debate Topics Ruleta
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Barton Book 7 and 8 Prefixes
Barton Book 7 and 8 Prefixes Qüestionari de concurs
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truth or dare questions
truth or dare questions Ruleta
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Review  7/8 فصول السنة
Review 7/8 فصول السنة Emparellar
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Barton 8.12 EU and TU
Barton 8.12 EU and TU Cop al talp
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Barton 8.13 Split Vowels
Barton 8.13 Split Vowels Endreç del grup
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ch or tch?
ch or tch? Veritat o mentida
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Multiples of 7
Multiples of 7 Cop al talp
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Hear Earl Swear Rule--Barton Level 7:8
Hear Earl Swear Rule--Barton Level 7:8 Endreç del grup
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/th/ VL words all positions woozle game
/th/ VL words all positions woozle game Obre la capsa
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7.10 ARY/ERY/ORY Endreç del grup
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/L-blends/ Woozle game
/L-blends/ Woozle game Obre la capsa
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Vocalic R Woozle Game
Vocalic R Woozle Game Obre la capsa
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/th/ Voiced initial medial woozle game
/th/ Voiced initial medial woozle game Obre la capsa
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L Hangman
L Hangman Penjat
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7.9 AIR arr/err word sort
7.9 AIR arr/err word sort Endreç del grup
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R-blends Woozle Game
R-blends Woozle Game Obre la capsa
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/r/ words initial position Woozle Game
/r/ words initial position Woozle Game Obre la capsa
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R first sound Hangman
R first sound Hangman Penjat
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sh or ch?
sh or ch? Veritat o mentida
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has or have
has or have Veritat o mentida
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Living or Non-living
Living or Non-living Veritat o mentida
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Sentence or Fragment?
Sentence or Fragment? Veritat o mentida
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Math Win or Lose x3
Math Win or Lose x3 Guanyar o perdre el qüestionari
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Balanced or Unbalanced forces?
Balanced or Unbalanced forces? Veritat o mentida
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Math Win or Lose x2
Math Win or Lose x2 Guanyar o perdre el qüestionari
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cial or tial words
cial or tial words Veritat o mentida
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4.4 ick or ic?
4.4 ick or ic? Veritat o mentida
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Math Win or Lose x5
Math Win or Lose x5 Guanyar o perdre el qüestionari
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Math Win or Lose x8
Math Win or Lose x8 Guanyar o perdre el qüestionari
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ge or dge?
ge or dge? Veritat o mentida
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Illustrated Simile or Metaphor
Illustrated Simile or Metaphor Veritat o mentida
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More or Less?
More or Less? Veritat o mentida
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Fact or Opinion?
Fact or Opinion? Veritat o mentida
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Same or Different?
Same or Different? Veritat o mentida
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More or Less?
More or Less? Veritat o mentida
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 Fiction or Nonfiction Sort
Fiction or Nonfiction Sort Veritat o mentida
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9.1 Greek or Not?
9.1 Greek or Not? Veritat o mentida
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Vowel or Consonant
Vowel or Consonant Veritat o mentida
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