

Exemples de la nostra comunitat

76 resultats de/d' 'd75'

What are skills you need to get a job?
What are skills you need to get a job? Veritat o mentida
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FAST ELA Practice Emotion Pictures
FAST ELA Practice Emotion Pictures Qüestionari
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FAST Handwashing
FAST Handwashing Ordre de classificació
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Summer Olympics
Summer Olympics Endreç del grup
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Pumpkin or Not?
Pumpkin or Not? Endreç del grup
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Sorting Red and Green
Sorting Red and Green Endreç del grup
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What do I see at the Beach?
What do I see at the Beach? Veritat o mentida
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shapes Qüestionari
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Sunscreen Match!
Sunscreen Match! Troba la parella
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Things That Can Keep Me Safe In The Sun
Things That Can Keep Me Safe In The Sun Qüestionari
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How can you explore the World of Work?
How can you explore the World of Work? Troba la parella
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Summer Jobs Exploration
Summer Jobs Exploration Qüestionari
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Giving Back
Giving Back Troba la parella
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Exploring summer Safety!
Exploring summer Safety! Obre la capsa
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Citizenship Attributes
Citizenship Attributes Ruleta
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Giving Back Matching Game
Giving Back Matching Game Emparellar
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School Items
School Items Veritat o mentida
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Students Rights!  What do you think?
Students Rights! What do you think? Ruleta
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Food Energy.  What uses food for engergy?
Food Energy. What uses food for engergy? Qüestionari
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Winter or Summer Sport?
Winter or Summer Sport? Endreç del grup
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Summer Safety Sentences!
Summer Safety Sentences! Completa la frase
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Cranberry or Not?
Cranberry or Not? Veritat o mentida
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Summer Safety - Summer Fun!
Summer Safety - Summer Fun! Veritat o mentida
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Beach or Water
Beach or Water Veritat o mentida
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Beans! Veritat o mentida
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Pizza or Topping
Pizza or Topping Veritat o mentida
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Job or not a Job?
Job or not a Job? Veritat o mentida
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Social Skills
Social Skills Troba la parella
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What feelings are going on?
What feelings are going on? Ruleta
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Olympic Skills
Olympic Skills Fruita voladora
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Olympic Sports
Olympic Sports Qüestionari
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Teamwork Veritat o mentida
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Can you use this to cook?
Can you use this to cook? Cop al talp
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Summer Jobs
Summer Jobs Ruleta
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Dessert or Not
Dessert or Not Veritat o mentida
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Student Council Positions
Student Council Positions Ruleta
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Woman or Man - Who invented That?
Woman or Man - Who invented That? Veritat o mentida
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Shrimp! Veritat o mentida
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African American Inventors
African American Inventors Emparellar
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SANDI or FAST? Endreç del grup
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Can you tell why you need this at the beach?
Can you tell why you need this at the beach? Ruleta
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Keep your mouth feeling great!
Keep your mouth feeling great! Obre la capsa
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Safe or Not Safe?
Safe or Not Safe? Veritat o mentida
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Who is wearing sunscreen?
Who is wearing sunscreen? Veritat o mentida
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U.S. Presidential Oath of Office
U.S. Presidential Oath of Office Qüestionari
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Fall Items!  Can you group the items?
Fall Items! Can you group the items? Endreç del grup
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Thanksgivinig Items
Thanksgivinig Items Veritat o mentida
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Sonia Sotomayor
Sonia Sotomayor Qüestionari
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FAST ELA  Level 2 –Item 2
FAST ELA Level 2 –Item 2 Qüestionari
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The Peacekeeper Quiz 1
The Peacekeeper Quiz 1 Qüestionari
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FAST ELA  Level 2–Item 3a
FAST ELA Level 2–Item 3a Veritat o mentida
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Halloween! Veritat o mentida
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Art Show!
Art Show! Qüestionari
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