For anyone long quiz
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Who's That Pokémon?
Qüestionari de concurs
Long o Spellings for Andrew
Long A - Ai / Ay
Endreç del grup
Long U
Endreç del grup
Andrew's Long o Spellings
Game Long O words
Endreç del grup
Which one doesn't belong? (words with long a)
Qüestionari de concurs
Bossy r /ar/
Cop al talp
Reading Comprehension Sentences
Qüestionari de concurs
(v-e) TWO long SOUNDS of U (/oo/ and "you")
Cartes aleatòries
matching words and pictures
Short or Long Vowel? (closed or v-e?)
Veritat o mentida
Short or Long? Use the correct vowel sound!
Veritat o mentida
Would you rather
Cartes aleatòries
Christmas Wordsearch!
Sopa de lletres
minecraft true or false
Veritat o mentida
Andrew's Long O practice
Esclat de globus
Long Division quiz
Qüestionari de concurs
Long Division Questions
long a and long e vowel team review (ai, ay, ee, ea)
Completa la frase
Closed or V-E? Balloon Pop. Read out loud!
Esclat de globus
Spell-in-the-blank: long u
spelling long vowel sounds
Picture Sort for Short and Long o
Endreç del grup
Long o_OA
Cop al talp
spelling of oa
Vowel teams for long o
long o word sort (o-e, o, ou, oa)
Endreç del grup
long e word sort (e-e, e, -y, ea, ee)
Endreç del grup
LLI Red 11 Long A
Endreç del grup
long a word sort (a-e, ay, ea, ai)
Endreç del grup
Picture Sort for Short e and Long e
Endreç del grup
FOR or TO?
Completa la frase
Short Vowel/Long Vowel (e/ee)
Endreç del grup
Picture Sort for Short and Long i
Endreç del grup
RAZ - The Kind Knight (sequence story)
long /i/ word family lists
Endreç del grup
Alphabetize the Words
Ordre de classificació
Long u with magic e
Cop al talp
long /i/ missing word sentences
Completa la frase
vowel team spell-in-the-blank (ai, ay, ea, ee, oa, ou)
Troba la parella
long /i/ sentences unjumble
Desfés l'embolic
the immaculate quiz
long e (through SPIRE Level 4)
Ordre de classificació
Math Baloon Pop Plus and Minus to 100 Super Hard!
Esclat de globus
Math Whack-A-Mole Plus and Minus to 100!
Cop al talp
Long vowels mazes
Persecució dins del laberint
Long o
bossy r - ar game
ew, oo
Long i sentences unjumble
Desfés l'embolic
long /i/ compound words
Esclat de globus
ee and ea homophones
Obre la capsa
long O sentences for unjumbling
Desfés l'embolic
long /i/ sort based on spelling patterns
Endreç del grup
Missing word sentences - long /a/